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Cancellation of North Coast XPT Services

Sep 19, 2019

Members will be aware of recent media surrounding the cancellation of NT35 & 36 owing to issues with “Centre Pin fatigue” being detected on XPT power cars (locomotives). The centre pin is a critical component […] Read More »

NIF “Independent Validation” of Operating Model

Sep 19, 2019

Members are advised that TfNSW have engaged an “independent” review of its proposed operating model for the guards role on the NIF. In particular, this “independent valuator” will be travelling with guards on the InterCity […] Read More »

Talks Begin on NSW Trains New Regional Diesel Fleet

Sep 18, 2019

On Tuesday the 10th September 2019 discussions have begun between Momentum Trains and representatives from the Locomotive Division and Subject Matter Experts from NSW Trains in relation to the user engagement phase for the design of […] Read More »

Around the Tracks – Southern Depot Tour

Sep 17, 2019

Brian Head will be out and about at the following locations. Please come along and have a chat with Brian about any issues in your workplace and hear what Your Union has been doing. Brian […] Read More »

Restoration talks underway for Kandos to Gulgong rail line

Sep 16, 2019

The Kandos to Gulgong rail line is under consideration for renewal in order to supply coal to the Mt Piper Power Station, which generates 15% of our state’s power but has been hampered by low […] Read More »

RTBU VIC asks court to rescind orders blocking train strikes

Sep 16, 2019

The RTBU has applied to the Federal Court to rescind orders issued last month halting planned industrial action against Metro Trains Melbourne, which would see workers leaving ticket barriers open and refusing to check MyKi […] Read More »

Railtrain EA Update

Sep 16, 2019

RTBU Members have been made aware that Railtrain Pty Ltd has ceased as a legal entity and has become Railtrain Services Pty Ltd (RTS) and RMC Rail Services Pty Ltd (RMC). This means that the […] Read More »

Southern Shorthaul Railway – EA Update

Sep 13, 2019

Yesterday the Fair Work Commission approved your new Enterprise Agreement. The Agreement will operate from the 19th September 2019 and will expire on the 11th September 2023. The Fair Work Commission had 4 issues with […] Read More »

RMTU NZ Activist Newsletter – latest issue

Sep 13, 2019

Our international partners, the Rail & Maritime Transport Union in New Zealand, have released their latest member newsletter. We encourage members to read it and see how our international union mates are doing. Together we […] Read More »

Fundraiser: Ride for Sick Kids with RMHC® NNSW

Sep 13, 2019

We ask members to support one of our own. Peter Haydon is a Driver Trainer member at Aurizon and is a long time supporter of this charity. Please click here to donate. Read More »


