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Billions lost due penalty rate cuts

Jul 2, 2019

A study from the McKell Institute earlier this year found that penalty rate cuts will leave workers with an almost $3 billion loss in the next three years under this coalition government. Unlike the government’s […] Read More »

Fair Work Commission rejects Linfox bid to suspend Aurizon industrial action

Jul 2, 2019

As members may be aware, The RTBU Queensland branch has been fighting hard against Aurizon to get the working conditions members deserve. Recently, major road transportation company Linfox attempted to stop the RTBU QLD industrial action at Aurizon, a […] Read More »

Adelaide’s train and tram services set to be privatised

Jul 2, 2019

The South Australian Government has revealed plans to privatise the operation of Adelaide’s train and tram services. It says it will still own and control “rail assets”, including trains, trams, tracks and stations, and will […] Read More »

NIF ‘In the Know’ is in the dark!

NIF ‘In the Know’ is in the dark!

Jun 28, 2019

NSW Trains have again embarked on an ‘In the Know’ speaking tour to inform employees of their proposed NIF operational mode. The Locomotive Division has been informed that the ‘In the Know’ sessions will be […] Read More »

Southern Shorthaul Railway – EA Update

Southern Shorthaul Railway – EA Update

Jun 28, 2019

 After long and frustrating negotiations, and after members voted down the first attempt by SSR management to get their EA through without the Delegates’ support, Locomotive Division members have voted up the latest EA with […] Read More »

Government moves to reduce Long Service Leave for public sector workers

Jun 21, 2019

Buried deep within this year’s state budget papers was a casual remark about future savings to the budget by reducing long service leave (LSL) entitlements for public sector workers. while this was troubling, no one […] Read More »

NSW Budget 2019

Jun 20, 2019

The NSW Liberal-National Budget fails to address the state’s most pressing economic challenge, the crisis in wages growth. The budget has announced further job cuts to the NSW Public Sector and continues to stifle wages […] Read More »

Railtrain Update

Jun 19, 2019

RTBU Members may have been made aware that Railtrain PTY LTD will cease as a legal entity and become Railtrain Services PTY LTD (RTS). This has caused concern for some of our Members who have […] Read More »

Who is next? ‘Jetstar’ model lands at BHP mines

Who is next? ‘Jetstar’ model lands at BHP mines

Jun 17, 2019

It’s an issue facing many industries – the introduction of cut-price workforces. The CFMEU Mining and Energy publication, Common Cause, reports that Peak Downs and Saraji coal mines are the latest targets for BHP’s new […] Read More »

The latest from the Centre for Future Work

The latest from the Centre for Future Work

Jun 17, 2019

Read below for some of the recent updates from the Centre for Future Work: Social justice advocates across Australia are working to process the surprising results of the federal election. How do we make sense […] Read More »


