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Liberal senator backs employer’s right to unfairly dismiss workers

Aug 13, 2019

Last week, Amanda Stoker, a Liberal Senator, said that industrial relations negatively impacts businesses. She claimed that employers have a right to fire employees who are not “the right fit”, essentially supporting unfair dismissal. She […] Read More »

Macquarie Infrastructure and Real Assets (MIRA) and PGGM (A Dutch Pension Fund Manager) to Acquire Genesee Wyoming Australia (GWA)

Aug 13, 2019

It seems only a short time ago that GWA purchased its NSW Coal business from Glencore. Now the orange and black paint has dried, and members uniforms changed from green to orange, the colours and […] Read More »

Conservatives hate red tape unless their opponents need it

Aug 9, 2019

Conservatives who hate government interference and believe that an individual should be in charge of their own actions backflip on this view the minute it comes to different opinions to theirs. We’ve seen this in […] Read More »

ATP Equipment – Change to OSCAR H Set Preparation Procedure

Aug 9, 2019

Sydney Trains are currently rolling out a briefing for drivers concerning the changing of the H Set OSCAR preparation procedure. OSCAR sets have progressively upgraded with new technology. The upgrade results in an adjustment to […] Read More »

Landmark free speech case holds that employees can be sacked over political social media posts

Aug 7, 2019

A new ruling from the high court has meant that public servants can be held accountable and fired for social media posts which don’t reflect well on their employer.  Michaela Banerji was fired from her […] Read More »

Here’s why the ‘job snobs’ story is simply untrue

Aug 7, 2019

Recently, research from the Department of Education has revealed that employers are having a difficult time recruiting new staff with the right skills and experience for the job. The research claims that jobseekers are snubbing […] Read More »

Australia continues to delay on high-speed rail

Aug 7, 2019

Australia has a history of high-speed rail fails. Every election the government promises major rail links between capital cities but afterwards this all turns out to be nothing but talk. Australia is the only continent […] Read More »

QUBE EA Negotiations Update

Aug 1, 2019

Members are advised that the RTBU Locomotive Division wrote to QUBE again today, as since the tour there has been no movement in relation to the proposed QUBE Agreement. It was the understanding of Your […] Read More »

Australian Ghan railway celebrates 90 years of operation

Aug 1, 2019

The historic Ghan railway in Australia will be celebrating 90 years on Sunday. There will be a special service for the anniversary taking over 200 passengers from Adelaide to Darwin over 3 days. The rail […] Read More »

Gosford retirement drinks

Jul 30, 2019

Hi members, You’re all invited to Ourimbah RSL on Saturday the 10th of August at midday to celebrate some of the drivers, guards and station staff who have retired recently. Please see below for the […] Read More »


