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Employer News

Waratah ATP – Ongoing Operational Issues

Waratah ATP – Ongoing Operational Issues

A recent increase in Automatic Train Protection (ATP) related issues on Waratah type rollingstock has resulted in further delays to these sets being operated in NORMAL, which in turn, has further delayed drivers being trained […] Read More »

RTBU Member – Aurizon EA Negotiation Update No 6: Meetings 8 & 9

RTBU Member – Aurizon EA Negotiation Update No 6: Meetings 8 & 9

Sep 2, 2021

 PROPOSED ROSTERS  The RTBU Locomotive Division negotiating team met with Aurizon for EA bargaining meetings 8 and 9 on Wednesday 1 and Thursday 2 September.  Discussions focused on the proposed “Roster E” and the proposed […] Read More »

Sydney and NSW Trains – Protected Action Ballot Order Results: Thank you for voting YES to take action

Results of the Sydney and NSW Trains PABO have been released. The message is loud and clear. We had a great voter turnout of 70%. Of those who participated, 90% of you voted YES to […] Read More »

PN Member Update

As Members will be aware, the RTBU has been in discussions with PN to ascertain WHY the Cat 1,2 and 3 Medical Assessments have changed so dramatically regarding the Functionality Tests with little to no […] Read More »

Railtrain Update

Disappointingly, we have continued to see evasive and hollow moves from Railtrain since members and employees recently voted down the proposed Rail Shuttle Services Agreement.  In continuing efforts to bargain in good faith, the RTBU Locomotive […] Read More »

Aurizon EA Negotiation Update No. 3: Day 4 Meeting

As previously reported, the second day of last week’s bargaining was postponed due to the escalating Covid 19 situation. Increased Covid-19 restrictions also meant the scheduled Consultative Committee and Town  Hall meetings needed to be […] Read More »

PN Member Update: Rail Worker Medical – Function Testing

As Members are aware the RTBU have raised serious concerns around major changes regarding Category One, Two and Three medicals.  Members across the country (in all workgroups) have been alarmed at the new testing regime […] Read More »


Aug 6, 2021

Over past weeks Trojan employees have been signing the Majority Support Determination petition (MSD)  and demonstrated their desire for the RTBU Locomotive Division to force Trojan to negotiate an enterprise  agreement. Congratulations to you all […] Read More »

Railtrain Update – RSS GOES DOWN!

This week the Locomotive Division wrote to Railtrain Manager Chris Elston, outlining  concerns that Railtrain Services Pty Ltd (RTS) and Rail Shuttle Services Pty Ltd (RSS) has  not met good faith bargaining requirements under Section […] Read More »

Aurizon EA Negotiation Update No 2 – Day 3 and 4 of meetings

A second 2-day bargaining meeting to negotiate a replacement agreement for the Aurizon NSW Coal  Operations EA 2018 was due to be held on Wednesday 4, Thursday 5 August 2021. Discussions on the first  day […] Read More »


