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The RTBU NSW Locomotive Division represents employees of Aurizon.

Fair Work Commission rejects Linfox bid to suspend Aurizon industrial action

Jul 2, 2019

As members may be aware, The RTBU Queensland branch has been fighting hard against Aurizon to get the working conditions members deserve. Recently, major road transportation company Linfox attempted to stop the RTBU QLD industrial action at Aurizon, a […] Read More »

Ongoing disputes with Aurizon

Jun 17, 2019

Aurizon are continuing to treat your agreement with contempt. After taking industrial action last year to achieve annual leave rights and workplace surveillance protections, members expected that Aurizon would honour its bargain. However, a mere […] Read More »

Aurizon Coal EA Update

Jun 11, 2019

As you know, the RTBU Locomotive Division, on behalf of members lodged an application with Fair Work Commission for assistance to resolve the following ongoing disputes: Application of Annual leave; The denials of delegates rights […] Read More »

Aurizon NSW Coal Operations Enterprise Agreement 2018

Mar 20, 2019

The Fair Work Commission have today certified, stamped and signed the Enterprise Agreement.This will come into effect in 7 days on 27th March 2019 and expire on 10th November 2021. Click here to download the […] Read More »

Aurizon Newsflash: Over the speed hump

Nov 14, 2018

Today, your Enterprise Agreement negotiation committee attending a meeting with Aurizon team to discuss a way forward with the EA. As you all are aware, the Notice of Representational rights has been reissued and sent […] Read More »

Your voice has been heard: congratulations to all members

Your voice has been heard: congratulations to all members

Aug 31, 2018

Following on from your actions, Aurizon have finally heard you loud and clear and have listened to your concerns. After 9 months of negotiating your employment conditions, every clause that had been negotiated now has […] Read More »

Strike action for Aurizon inaction

Aug 23, 2018

Your RTBU team gave Aurizon management an opportunity to resolve the outstanding issues and move forward with a new Enterprise Agreement but we were unable to reach agreement and the Company representatives walked out of […] Read More »

Aurizon: It only took 7 minutes

Aug 23, 2018

The RTBU met with Aurizon representatives today, Wednesday 22nd August 2018 as a result of the RTBU contacting the Company following last weekend’s protected industrial action. At the start of the meeting today, your RTBU […] Read More »


Aug 14, 2018

Members around the state have made it clear, you and your work mates are ready to fight for a good Agreement! Your RTBU team notified Aurizon management that protected action is about to start. Please […] Read More »

Newflash: Aurizon Coal EA PAB results

Aug 13, 2018

Protected Action Ballot (Please click here to download the PDF of the results bulletin)   A very good return of voting papers of over 72% saw an Overwhelming “YES” approval for Protected Industrial Action.   […] Read More »


