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PACIFIC NATIONAL NSW MEMBERS Employee Entity Change (ex-FreightCorp)

 Members are currently receiving correspondence from Pacific National notifying them that from 1 October 2019 they will be transferred from the current PN Entity of PACIFIC NATIONAL NSW to PACIFIC NATIONAL SERVICES.  Employees will receive […] Read More »

Saving the Liverpool Station safety booth

Aug 28, 2019

Sydney Trains is ploughing ahead with its plans to remove the safety booth from Liverpool Station in a move that may cost over $100,000 in public funds. RTBU members and NSW Secretary Alex Claassens showed […] Read More »

Media Release: Toddler left stranded on driverless Metro – union warns more incidents will follow on New Intercity Fleet

Aug 27, 2019

After a toddler was carried away from his mother on an automated Sydney Metro train today, the Rail, Tram and Bus Union NSW (RTBU) warns that the frightening incident will become the norm unless urgent […] Read More »

Stop Morrison’s attacks on workers

Aug 20, 2019

Please see below for an ACTU message regarding the newest anti-union law proposed. —- Scott Morrison is trying to convince the Senate to pass his Ensuring Integrity Bill: the most anti-union law we have seen […] Read More »

Sydney Metro: the delays continue

Aug 20, 2019

A mechanical problem has left Sydney Metro commuters stranded today for the third Tuesday in a row. There was a 15 minute gap between services which backed up the network and kept some waiting for […] Read More »

Sydney Trains Drivers’ Taskforce Update

Aug 16, 2019

Your Locomotive Division Representatives recently took part in the bi-monthly Sydney Trains Drivers Issues Taskforce held at Auburn Stabling Yard. Sydney Trains representatives discussed operational changes which included moving to a 24/7 rostering model, creation […] Read More »

NIF: New driver responsibilities

Aug 14, 2019

Members will be aware of the ongoing consultation regarding the NIF Trains design and the proposed “final operating model” tabled by NSW Trains in June 2019. For the information of those members who were unable […] Read More »

NIF Update

Aug 14, 2019

Please see below for a New InterCity Fleet update in the RTBU Express this week. ———— Dear members, Yesterday, your union representatives and NSW Trains were again before the Fair Work Commission. The union reported […] Read More »

Liberal senator backs employer’s right to unfairly dismiss workers

Aug 13, 2019

Last week, Amanda Stoker, a Liberal Senator, said that industrial relations negatively impacts businesses. She claimed that employers have a right to fire employees who are not “the right fit”, essentially supporting unfair dismissal. She […] Read More »

Werris Creek barracks gone and hopefully forgotten

After years of complaints and members suffering substandard conditions, PN Coal have mothballed Werris Creek Barracks and have relocated crews to the privately run Henrys Guest House at Quirindi. Member feedback so far has been […] Read More »


