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Have you received your ballot paper yet?

Have you received your ballot paper yet?

Nov 10, 2014

RTBU elections are currently being held across all areas and for all positions. Read More »

Train whistles blowing…but not at tunnels

Train whistles blowing…but not at tunnels

Nov 7, 2014

The sweet tweet of a train whistle may soon be a thing of the past, with Sydney Trains looking at removing the requirement for drivers to sound their train whistle when entering or exiting tunnels. Read More »

Sydney Trains introduces ‘refresher’ course

Sydney Trains introduces ‘refresher’ course

Nov 7, 2014

Sydney Trains is proposing to run a skills refresher course to assist drivers who are apparently as far as Sydney Trains is concerned, “struggling to meet the business standards”. Read More »

Fair share of the jobs: good news out of Newcastle

Fair share of the jobs: good news out of Newcastle

Nov 7, 2014

Some good news out of Newcastle – the long running dispute over the allocation of shed jobs at the Newcastle depot has been finally resolved. Read More »

Sydney Trains set for deep and meaningful convos

Sydney Trains set for deep and meaningful convos

Nov 7, 2014

Sydney Trains employees, prepare to have some deep conversations with your managers. Read More »

Secretary’s wrap

Secretary’s wrap

Oct 30, 2014

Train Drivers around the world face similar challenges. In the public sector, there’s constant pressure from governments trying to cut costs by selling off rail networks and outsourcing. In the private sector, employers are always […] Read More »

Progress at Freightliner

Progress at Freightliner

Oct 28, 2014

Progress is being made towards a new Enterprise Agreement at Freightliner. Loco Division Secretary Bob Hayden and the negotiating committee met with the company this week and have agreed to meet again on the 6th […] Read More »

BREAKING: Freightliner EA development

BREAKING: Freightliner EA development

Oct 17, 2014

Senior company representatives, RTBU representatives and the negotiating committee met today to identify a way forward. A plan to work through the current deadlock has been agreed, as outlined in the Footplate attached. Members will […] Read More »

Secretary’s wrap

Secretary’s wrap

New enterprise agreements at Sydney and NSW Trains got the tick by the Fair Work Commission this week, locking in conditions and annual pay increases. After a long negotiation, members will see hit their pay […] Read More »

Freightliner members concerned about EA vote

Freightliner members concerned about EA vote

Oct 10, 2014

Freightliner members have raised concerns about how management is planning to run its enterprise agreement ballot. Read More »

