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The RTBU NSW Locomotive Division represents employees of Aurizon.

Aurizon Bulk Enterprise Agreement

Jul 26, 2023

 Members would now be aware that Aurizon’s recent attempt to get their non-union agreement endorsed by employees failed miserably. Members saw it was a bad deal and voted it down accordingly – 85% against.  Unfortunately, […] Read More »

Aurizon Bulk update- a step backward

Jul 14, 2023

Further to last week’s newsletter, we can now confirm Aurizon have sent their agreement out for employees to consider and vote on. We must stress to members, this is the company’s agreement and IS NOT […] Read More »

Aurizon Bulk and Intermodal Rail Operations EA 2023- Update

Feb 16, 2023

The negotiations for a National Aurizon Bulk & Intermodal Rail Operations Enterprise Agreement 2023have recommenced after the Christmas break. Two rounds of negotiations have taken place, consistingof three days each, on January 23rd, 24th, and […] Read More »

Aurizon NSW Coal Operations dispute update

May 26, 2022

On 17 May 2022, Aurizon NSW Coal Operations management chose to implement a change to how they manage employees being unavailable for their next turn of duty and announced this change by issuing an  Employee […] Read More »

Aurizon EA voting Results- Update No. 13

Your RTBU NSW Locomotive Division negotiating team advises that voting for the proposed Aurizon NSW  Coal Operations Enterprise Agreement has now closed with the outcome as follows: Total Number of eligible voters – 288 Total […] Read More »

Aurizon EA Negotiation Update No. 12

Your RTBU NSW Locomotive Division negotiating team is pleased to advise that after 3 ½  months of negotiating, agreement in-principle has been reached with Aurizon on a  replacement EA.   After our final meeting on Monday, […] Read More »

One Rail Australia Sale Agreement to Aurizon

Last week Aurizon announced agreement has been reached for the acquisition of One Rail Australia for $2.35 billion with the intention of integrating the bulk and general freight assets into the Aurizon business and divesting One […] Read More »

Aurizon EA Negotiation – Update No. 10

Your RTBU Locomotive Division negotiating team came together on Tuesday 19 October 2021 to consider the final position Aurizon tabled last Thursday. We spent time considering how far apart we are and to discuss our […] Read More »

Aurizon EA Negotiation Update No. 8

Your RTBU Locomotive Division negotiating team continues to meet regularly with Aurizon to bargain for a replacement agreement. Our most recent meeting focused on proposed clauses, and to identify differences between the position endorsed by […] Read More »

Aurizon EA Negotiation Update No. 6

Your RTBU Locomotive Division negotiating team have continued to meet with Aurizon for  Enterprise Agreement bargaining.  Over the last two weeks, your team has been seeking feedback on previously tabled clauses  which Aurizon had placed […] Read More »


