Aurizon Bulk update- a step backward
Further to last week’s newsletter, we can now confirm Aurizon have sent their agreement out for employees to consider and vote on. We must stress to members, this is the company’s agreement and IS NOT supported by the RTBU.
Aurizon Bulk walked away from negotiations, ignored your delegates and officials and have cobbled together an agreement that is below standard and contradictory. It will see members worse off should it be accepted; it contains antiquated conditions that would set members conditions back years.
Listed below are but some of what the company proposes, and why you should Vote NO!
- Job Security – The Agreement allows for the use of Labour Hire
- Temporary Transfer – Forced Temporary Transfers
- Accommodation Standards – There are none!
- Fair Discipline Process – There is none!
- WHS – Minimal conditions no provisions for HSR’s!
- Training – No commitment to pay for training (You or Trainees may have to pay it yourself). No clear structures
- Flexible Working Arrangements – There is a Fair Work requirement for flexible working arrangements, the company has deliberately used this title to confuse and complicate an employee’s ordinary hours of work and introduce pay averaging.
- Distributive Power – No Distributive Power allowance
- Shift Changes – Can be changed twice on the day.
- Roster Protocols – The roster protocols are designed to give the company maximum flexibility and you nothing. They do not meet RTBU standards, nor would they meet any reasonably companies’ standards.
- Meal breaks – to be taken while driving (swap over)
- Barracks Working – Double Book Offs for all depots, Barracks detention for intermodal at only half pay
- Arbitration – Only when Aurizon Agrees
We are aware Aurizon management are out there holding meetings to try and sell their substandard agreement, we can assure members that no amount of dressing, will improve what’s currently on offer.
Once the vote is open, we strongly encourage all members to vote and VOTE NO. In the interim its important that you speak with your work mates and see if they are yet members as we need a strong and united front to force Aurizon to listen and come back to the table to fix this mess.