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CountryLink enforces new Flexible Work Practice policy

CountryLink enforces new Flexible Work Practice policy

Oct 24, 2011

RailCorp have introduced a new policy which now requires drivers to compile a “shift swap” form prior to any shifts being exchanged. Countrylink have enforced this policy on its drivers with no local-level consultation or […] Read More »

Goulburn MOU remains unsigned

Goulburn MOU remains unsigned

Oct 24, 2011

The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the two-man working of the GB6 diagram has been altered at draft stage to allow for one-man operations in certain circumstances. CountryLink were sent the amended version four months […] Read More »

Waratah update: set six is ready for PC testing

Waratah update: set six is ready for PC testing

Oct 24, 2011

* Members will be aware that Waratah sets three and four are now operational on a rotation basis for limited passenger runs. Set five has once again failed to meet its Practical Completion [PC] testing […] Read More »

Stop the Sell Off of Electricity

Oct 24, 2011

Before the last state election, Barry O’Farrell said “we have absolutely no plans to privatise either the generators or the poles and wires”. But now, with the Government’s “Tamberlin Inquiry” expected to recommend a full […] Read More »

DANGER: Take action

DANGER: Take action

Oct 21, 2011

Federal and state transport ministers will meet to consider new rail safety legislation in early November. The new legislation proposes to abolish current fatigue provisions and replace them with unproven standards, which will inevitably lead […] Read More »

Farewell John Lyons

Farewell John Lyons

Oct 13, 2011

The RTBU would like to pass on its condolences to the family of Hornsby ETR driver John Lyons. John tragically passed away after a traffic accident on Sunday October 3 while travelling home from work […] Read More »

Public holiday rip off

Public holiday rip off

Oct 13, 2011

During the October long weekend RailCorp saw fit (again) to book off all drivers on the October 3 public holiday at Blacktown and Richmond ETR depots. This was not noticed until the period roster was […] Read More »

RailCorp wage reduction after SPADs

RailCorp wage reduction after SPADs

Oct 13, 2011

RailCorp have recently communicated [via Crew Update no 14] their intention to utilise the Disciplinary Matters Clause of the 2010 RailCorp EA to reduce the wages of drivers involved in SPADs. This means that drivers […] Read More »

East Hills track hazard

East Hills track hazard

Sep 27, 2011

Due to the continued duplication works on the East Hills line, the tracks will be slewed at Salt Pan Creek from the original configuration across to the newly constructed bridge. This will involve almost a […] Read More »

ATP acceptance trials complete

ATP acceptance trials complete

Sep 27, 2011

DMI screen acceptance trials for the Waratah have now been completed. The aim of the trials was to make sure the screen was located in the correct position and that the information contained on the […] Read More »

