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Delegate Training

Jan 13, 2012News Update

Stage 1 Training

Delegate training has continued through 2011 – with 20 delegates being trained in 2011, up from 11 in 2010.

Stage 2 Training

Delegates are advised that the following dates have been set for Delegate Stage 2 Training this year:

February 1st & 2nd RailCorp
April 4th & 5th Freight (North)
June 20th & 21st RailCorp
August 1st & 2nd Freight (South)

It has taken a while for training to be arranged due to the day-to-day workload of officers over the past 12 months.   While it is not expected that next year will be any easier, we have now set the dates in advance so that delegates can plan ahead.

OH&S Training

Further to the above, 12 RailCorp Locomotive Division OH&S Delegates were the first to be trained in the new National OH&S legislation late 2011.  Further training is being organised for 2012.

