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Kick back with the Kiwis

Kick back with the Kiwis

Nov 29, 2011

Looking for somewhere a little farther afield for a holiday? What about a trip across the ditch? The New Zealand Railways Staff Welfare Trust has 29 holiday homes in locations throughout New Zealand in which […] Read More »

Farewell Ed Sullivan

Farewell Ed Sullivan

Nov 29, 2011

Retired official and delegate Ed Sullivan passed away on November 25. Ed was very active in his trade union – the Australian Federated Union of Locomotive Enginemen (AFULE). He served as Branch Secretary of the […] Read More »

RailCorp ‘no whistle’ policy stalls

RailCorp ‘no whistle’ policy stalls

Nov 19, 2011

RailCorp’s plans to reduce the use of train whistles in tunnels have stalled as a result of concerns raised by the RTBU on the four proposed “whistle / no whistle” signs offered by RailCorp. Describing […] Read More »

Promising results for upgraded XPT lights

Promising results for upgraded XPT lights

Nov 19, 2011

As part of the review of the standardisation, refurbishment and risk assessment of the XPT Power Cars, the RTBU driver representatives have questioned the adequacy and safety of the current headlight system. The headlight lenses […] Read More »

National OH&S laws update

National OH&S laws update

Nov 19, 2011

Members are advised that work on the draft model National Work Health and Safety Regulations, codes of practice is nearing completion. Due to the time constraints for implementation of the new legislation, the proposed timelines […] Read More »

Freight drivers frozen out of digital radio process

Freight drivers frozen out of digital radio process

Nov 15, 2011

Freight drivers are being left in the dark as the freight companies refuse to share information or consult with drivers about the transition to digital radio.  The existing analogue radio system, CountryNet, is due to […] Read More »

National outlook for Loco Division

National outlook for Loco Division

Nov 9, 2011

Loco Division delegates to last week’s National Council in Canberra took the opportunity to meet and discuss ways to strengthen ties across Australia. NSW Branch will host a national divisional meeting in May 2012, where […] Read More »

Cleanliness on the slide at RailCorp

Cleanliness on the slide at RailCorp

Nov 9, 2011

Driver complaints about cleaning standards are on the rise as RailCorp continues its cleaning reform agenda. Cleanliness of cabs, meal rooms and standby facilities is a workplace health and safety issue. Drivers should report all […] Read More »

PN boss supports Qantas in IR stoush

PN boss supports Qantas in IR stoush

Nov 8, 2011

As the RTBU prepares to start bargaining with Pacific National in the new year, PN’s parent company Asciano has thrown its weight behind the push by big business to wind back Labor’s Fair Work laws. […] Read More »

Election Notice

Election Notice

Nov 2, 2011

Download the complete notice here: Election Notice Read More »

