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Moorebank’s a good start but there’s much more to be done

Moorebank’s a good start but there’s much more to be done

May 9, 2012

By 2017 the new freight hub will be up and running in Moorebank including a much-needed rail link from Port Botany to Moorebank. Although it is predicted to remove 3,300 trucks from the road in […] Read More »

Train driver shift limits must be maintained

Train driver shift limits must be maintained

May 4, 2012

The National Transport Commission would like to see Australian rail safety left to drift dangerously towards third world standards with a proposal to drop the 12 hour limit on shifts for NSW train drivers. The […] Read More »

Will workers’ compensation be slashed to save employer costs?

Will workers’ compensation be slashed to save employer costs?

May 1, 2012

The details are being closely guarded, but the O’Farrell Government has signalled a drastic “reform” of the Workers Compensation system. Despite the fact that entitlements for injured NSW workers are already lower than in other […] Read More »

Rail industry desperate to discredit union’s safety fears: have your say

Rail industry desperate to discredit union’s safety fears: have your say

Apr 30, 2012

The rail industry is resorting to outright lies in order to discredit the RTBU and its opposition to the proposed scrapping of the 12-hour shift cap as part of the new Rail Safety National Law. […] Read More »

RailCorp challenges sectorisation ruling

RailCorp challenges sectorisation ruling

Apr 26, 2012

RailCorp has decided to appeal a Fair Work Australia ruling on sectorisation handed down in March. The FWA ruled in favour of the RTBU saying the introduction of sectorisation, which would prevent drivers being rostered […] Read More »

HOT TOPIC: The Airport Wars

HOT TOPIC: The Airport Wars

Apr 20, 2012

Traffic gridlock, air travel delays, lost jobs, slowed economic growth and a return to the concentration of aircraft noise that plagued Sydney in the 1990s – according to a new study this is the scenario […] Read More »

Crossing collisions decline but better education is crucial

Crossing collisions decline but better education is crucial

Apr 20, 2012

The recent launch of the rail industry initiative TrackSAFE which aims to reduce level crossing, trespass and suicide incidents on the rail network is a timely reminder that more needs to be done at a […] Read More »

Proposed fatigue laws won’t maintain safety standards

Proposed fatigue laws won’t maintain safety standards

Apr 18, 2012

The RTBU has welcomed the response by Transport for NSW to the draft National Laws regulating fatigue management in the rail industry. “Transport for NSW has picked up the deficiencies in the draft that the […] Read More »

Drug testing win gives drivers hope

Drug testing win gives drivers hope

Mar 29, 2012

The RTBU has welcomed a Fair Work Australia decision that drug testing was unfair and unreasonable and that swab tests were a more appropriate test of impairment. The union has long argued that urine testing was […] Read More »

Cost cutting O’Farrell sets his sights on WorkCover

Cost cutting O’Farrell sets his sights on WorkCover

Mar 28, 2012

An audit of the NSW WorkCover scheme has just been completed, and with a $4 billion deficit predicted by the end of the year, Barry O’Farrell says the system is in dire need of reform. […] Read More »

