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Pacific National Victoria

Pacific National Victoria

Apr 29, 2013

Negotiations for a new PN Victoria agreement are due to get underway as soon as the PN NSW Bulk agreement is settled – which is due to occur over the coming weeks. Read More »

El Zorro super debacle

El Zorro super debacle

Apr 29, 2013

The Loco Division has been in serious discussions with El Zorro recently, after the company failed to pay superannuation to its employees for the three months leading up to December. Read More »

QUBE plays hardball over national EA

QUBE plays hardball over national EA

Apr 29, 2013

QUBE management are playing hardball with the union, so far refusing requests to negotiate one national agreement that covers all QUBE entities. Read More »

Aurizon negotiations moving swiftly

Aurizon negotiations moving swiftly

Apr 29, 2013

Negotiations for a new enterprise agreement at Aurizon Intermodal are progressing quickly, with the union negotiating team hopeful in-principle agreement could be reached by the end of the week. Read More »

Are our pollies recognising the need for public transport investment?

Are our pollies recognising the need for public transport investment?

Apr 26, 2013

Almost two-thirds of Australian believe investment in public transport is more important than investment in roads, according to a Sydney University survey. Read More »

Pacific National Bulk EA in final stages

Pacific National Bulk EA in final stages

Apr 26, 2013

The final version of the Pacific National Bulk enterprise agreement is currently being reviewed in an effort to finalise the agreement before sending it out to members for voting. Read More »

May Day parade

May Day parade

Apr 26, 2013

Join the May Day parade on Sunday 5 May and celebrate the achievements of workers over the decades. Read More »

International Day of Mourning

International Day of Mourning

Apr 23, 2013

The International Day of Mourning is coming up on Sunday 28th April – a time to remember workers whose lives have been list as a result of workplace incidents or disease. Read More »

Drunk man awarded $650,000 after falling on tracks

Drunk man awarded $650,000 after falling on tracks

Apr 17, 2013

Railcorp has been ordered to pay $650,000 to a man who was hit by a train after he drunkenly fell onto the train tracks at Mortdale station. Read More »

High-speed rail – wishful thinking or the inevitable?

Apr 12, 2013

It’s commonplace in many global cities – a high-speed rail link to get you from A to B. No waiting around in airports, no need to turn off your electronics; just sit back and look out the window until you reach your destination.

Here in Australia, the idea has been touted for decades. Many people claim a high-speed rail-link between Melbourne and Sydney is without doubt the way of the future. Read More »

