Maintenance centre train wash proposal update
RailCorp recently proposed to have train washes “timetabled” and incorporated into diagrams so the incoming driver would be responsible for the train wash procedure – not the rostered shed/wash driver as is the current practice today.
Workshops were undertaken at Hornsby, Mortdale and Flemington Maintenance Centres with both RTBU and WHS representatives in attendance to review the proposed procedures. Once this was completed, a pilot of the proposed working was then conducted for several weeks at these locations to assess the timings required to conduct this working with one driver only.
It rapidly became obvious that ‘one driver’ operations were problematic. Programmed train washes were forced to be cancelled or delayed resulting additional delays occurring to trains trying to enter and exit these maintenance facilities. Based on the problems experienced and the likelihood that these would be increased dramatically in the upcoming October timetable, RailCorp have advised that their proposal is now postponed indefinitely and deemed as unworkable.
The Loco Division would like to take the opportunity to thank the various delegates for their support and participation during this process.