Proposed removal of detonators from RailCorp Network
RailCorp have recently proposed to remove detonators from all electric rolling stock following over 80 instances of crew cabs being broken into detonators being stolen.
One recent incident resulted in a young man losing his hand from the explosion of a detonator.
RailCorp state they have one recorded usage of detonators in the their network in the last 5 years and believes detonators are an outdated mode of protection due to continued improvements in the engineered signalling system and the additional control measures already in place i.e. signalling system, track shortening clip, communication etc.
After several consultative meetings, RailCorp held a workshop to discuss the required rule changes and have communicated that they will remove detonators from the Queen’s Birthday weekend in June 2013.
The RTBU has corresponded to RailCorp its belief that this process is unsafe and exposes its membership and the travelling public to unacceptable risk and has requested a further meeting prior to the proposed implementation in June.
Members will be informed of the outcomes of this meeting.