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Calls for national roll-out of level crossing safety devices

Calls for national roll-out of level crossing safety devices

Oct 1, 2013

New technology aimed at improving safety at level crossings should be rolled out across the country, the RTBU says. Read More »

Female rail workers lodge sex discrimination claim

Female rail workers lodge sex discrimination claim

Sep 30, 2013

Female rail workers in NSW have lodged a sexual discrimination case against the NSW Government over the out-dated, invasive and discriminatory practice of forced urine based testing. Read More »

Enfield retirement dinner

Enfield retirement dinner

Sep 30, 2013

Former Enfield drivers, Bob Schwager and Brian Irlam, will be the guests of honour at the next Enfield railway Social Club retirement dinner, coming up on October 26th. Read More »

Have your say at the Enfield AGM’s

Have your say at the Enfield AGM’s

Sep 30, 2013

The annual general meetings of the Enfield Railway Social Club and the Enfield sickness and mortality fund are coming up on October 26th. See below for details. Read More »

What will become of public transport under the Coalition?

Sep 27, 2013

New Prime Minister, Tony Abbott, has vowed to be known as an ‘Infrastructure PM’. But will that include public transport infrastructure, or just roads? Read More »

Fight is on for the Casino to Murwillumbah rail service

Fight is on for the Casino to Murwillumbah rail service

Sep 26, 2013

Do you think the Casino to Murwillumbah rail line should be protected and repaired? Read More »

Train drivers have toughest job

Train drivers have toughest job

Sep 26, 2013

Statistics have revealed what many of us already knew – that train driving is a tough, stressful job. Read More »

Secret document dispute Minister’s single-deck claims

Secret document dispute Minister’s single-deck claims

Sep 23, 2013

The NSW Government’s claims that running single-deck trains through Sydney would allow more people to travel on the trains, has been disputed by a secret internal report. Read More »

Petition for swab testing to be introduced

Petition for swab testing to be introduced

Sep 23, 2013

Are you sick of putting up with the out-dated, invasive and discriminatory practice of forced urine based testing when a saliva swab test gives just as accurate a result, much faster? Read More »

Union denies millipedes behind WA crash

Union denies millipedes behind WA crash

The WA branch of the RTBU has dismissed claims that an infestation of Portuguese millipedes was behind a train crash that resulted in several passengers being treated for minor injuries. Read More »

