Female rail workers lodge sex discrimination claim
Female rail workers in NSW have lodged a sexual discrimination case against the NSW Government over the out-dated, invasive and discriminatory practice of forced urine based testing.
Rail workers, both female and male, have long called for saliva testing to replace urine testing as the preferred method of testing for drug and alcohol impairment, saying it is the most reliable and respectful way of testing.
Loco Division Secretary Bob Hayden said workers felt they had no choice but to lodge a complaint with the Australian Human Rights Commission over the testing.
“The issue of urine testing has been one which the Loco Division has been trying to have rectified for a long time now,” Bob Hayden said.
“We’ve always been opposed to urine testing which identifies usage without first conducting swab testing which identifies impairment.
“We’ve already had a win in Pacific National where the company agreed to move to swab testing, now we’re hopeful the government will finally come to the party and fix the Rail Safety regulation to ensure swab testing is used in the first instance.
“The current system is disrespectful and antiquated. Saliva testing has been proven to be just as accurate and gives immediate test results. Urine testing can take three days to get a result, meaning the travelling public could be put at risk while testing is being conducted.
“We’re hopeful common sense will prevail and the NSW Government will show its workforce the respect they deserve and introduce swab testing across the board.”