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The Great Strike footage

Feb 26, 2018

The Great Strike is a rare censored film documenting one of Australia’s largest industrial conflicts. This footage, last seen in 1917, is a unique insight into a crucial moment in the history of the Australian […] Read More »

New rail links to Badgerys Creek airport to be signature projects

Feb 24, 2018

The Sydney Morning Herald has revealed that a plan to build a rail link to Sydney’s second airport is expected to be unveiled next month as part of the Federal Government’s “city deal” for the […] Read More »

Probe after Tube passenger dragged along platform and into tunnel after getting handbag trapped in train doors

Feb 21, 2018

Investigations have opened in the UK after an elderly woman was dragged along a platform and into the tunnel after her handbag became trapped in the train doors. While the investigations are yet to conclude, […] Read More »

New York Times: Late passenger train strikes and kills five elephants in India

Feb 21, 2018

HOJAI, India — Indian railways investigators are looking into why a passenger train speeding in the night Saturday struck and killed five elephants. The Hindustan Times reports that a herd of elephants was crossing the […] Read More »

News – Amtrak CEO says passenger trains will not run over track without PTC or PTC waiver

Feb 21, 2018

By Bob Johnston | February 15, 2018 WASHINGTON — If railroads that host Amtrak passenger trains fail to meet Congress’ statutory requirement to have positive train control installed Dec. 31, 2018, Amtrak’s president says the […] Read More »

NIF photo

Feb 20, 2018

The first photos of the New Interurban fleet – NIF, have emerged.   And as they say everything old is new again… Read More »

RAILTRAIN NEWSFLASH: The RTBU Negotiating Team are seeking feedback from the Members regarding your EA.

Feb 19, 2018

Starting this week RTBU Officials will be holding meetings (in person and on the phone) to update Members on where we are in the EA process and which direction you would like us to proceed […] Read More »

NZRMTU – The Activist Newsletter

Feb 16, 2018

Download it here.   Read More »

Footplate: Drivers Overtime Bonus for Trainee Drivers

Feb 16, 2018

Your Locomotive Division team would like to advise Members of a recent victory in securing payment of the Overtime Bonus for Trainee Drivers. Sydney Trains have been requiring Trainee Drivers to work ever increasing amounts […] Read More »

February rail history insights

Feb 14, 2018

Download the amazing insights into the NSW history of rail in the month of February here.   Read More »

