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A message from Sally McManus

Mar 26, 2018Update

Late Monday afternoon Michaelia Cash and Craig Laundy thought they were about to get their anti-worker Bill, the so-called “Ensuring Integrity” Bill, through the Senate. Remember, this is the Bill that if passed would give Michaelia Cash and big business the power to act to de-register unions, stop unions merging, and have a say over who can and can’t run a union.

Because you responded to the call to contact crossbench Senators, these Senators now realise the severe impacts this Bill would have on working people and have a better understanding of just how undemocratic the Bill is. They got the message loud and clear that the same laws don’t apply to big business.

Because you took action, the Bill will not pass this week.

This doesn’t mean the government will stop trying, so we need to be ready to take action again when they try to get the Bill through the Senate next time. We’ll keep you posted and let you know when it’s time to take action on this again.

Congratulations to everyone who responded to the call to action and thanks to those Senators for listening to working people.

You have played a big part in this anti-worker Bill not getting through this week. Well done!

Sally McManus
ACTU Secretary

