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PN to clean up toilet mess

PN to clean up toilet mess

Jun 29, 2011

PN Bulk has responded to pressure from the RTBU over the disgraceful state of cab toilets and will implement a plan to clean and upgrade them. Until toilet facilities can be upgraded, PN Bulk will […] Read More »

Toilet disgrace

Toilet disgrace

Jun 27, 2011

During his recent tour of regional NSW Bob Hayden highlighted some troubling issues for drivers. The awful state of PN locomotive toilets was of concern, particularly for women drivers, more so in regional areas with […] Read More »

PN Coal Aggregate update

PN Coal Aggregate update

Jun 27, 2011

The Division has been in dispute with PN Coal since March over the non-payment of a provision of their EA in relation to the 9.5% Aggregate Allowance. The dispute revolves around whether the 9.5% is […] Read More »

Membership Certificate and 30-Year Plaque

Membership Certificate and 30-Year Plaque

Jun 23, 2011

The Divisional Council is pleased to announce the introduction of a Membership Certificate and 30-Year Membership Plaque. These awards recognise the contribution of retiring members of the RTBU Locomotive Division who have shown loyal membership […] Read More »

ARTC response to Southern line mud holes: too little too late

ARTC response to Southern line mud holes: too little too late

Jun 22, 2011

It is great to see a response from the ARTC to the serious safety concerns raised by the Rail, Tram and Bus union back in October of 2010. Unfortunately though, it is typically too little, […] Read More »

Long Service Leave win at PN

Long Service Leave win at PN

Jun 21, 2011

Drivers with more than five years service at PN Rail (Intermodal and Bulk) who have left the company will now be paid pro-rata long service leave after PN tried to get out of honouring the […] Read More »

RailCorp’s shoddy handling of Springwood fatality

RailCorp’s shoddy handling of Springwood fatality

Jun 21, 2011

The response by RailCorp to a recent fatality at Springwood Station is an example of poor communication and potential negligence of their employer responsibilities. A man who was last seen waiting for a train on […] Read More »

Waratah Train update

Waratah Train update

Jun 21, 2011

RailCorp has finally confirmed it will accept the first Waratah train. After a delay of 18 months it’s likely to enter service in July and will initially be operated by the Waratah Crew. As reported […] Read More »

Queen’s Birthday roster win

Queen’s Birthday roster win

Jun 17, 2011

Over 100 workers at the North Sydney & Hornsby Depots faced substantial loss of income as a result of RailCorp’s proposed decision to roster them all ‘off’ over the recent Queen’s Birthday long weekend due […] Read More »

Goulburn delegate challenges local MP over IR laws

Goulburn delegate challenges local MP over IR laws

Jun 17, 2011

A delegation of public sector workers met Goulburn state MP and Family and Community Services minister Pru Goward last Friday in an attempt to get the MP to cross the floor and vote against the […] Read More »

