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Is our new PM good news?

Sep 22, 2015

Australia has had a new Prime Minister for a week now, and the question on everyone’s lips is: will Malcolm Turnbull be good news for working people? Read More »

Bob Hayden, Divisional Secretary

Secretary’s wrap

Sep 18, 2015

  The Loco Division BBQ has been on tour again – and as always, it’s been the catalyst for many great conversations and ideas around the how to improve working conditions in our industry. Read More »

The BBQ is on the road

Sep 18, 2015

The trusty Loco Division BBQ is on the road again as part of the regional tour. On Monday 24 August, the BBQ hit the road with Steve Wright, Mark Dickson and Bryan Williamson, leaving from […] Read More »

Critical incidents – NSW Trains needs to step up

Sep 18, 2015

We’ve got a new Critical Incident Procedure in Sydney Trains which is now being referred to as “world’s best practice” in the rail industry, but NSW Trains is still lagging behind. Read More »

Tangara gets a new seat

Sep 18, 2015

A revised seating configuration in the cab of Tangara set ‘T129’ Car D6833 will be on trial from this week. Finally, the representatives have gained agreement with Sydney Trains management that this is a bonafide issue […] Read More »

Sydney Trains reform meeting again leave more questions than answers

Sep 17, 2015

RTBU Train Crew representatives met with Sydney Trains again this week in an attempt to get more information about management’s proposed ‘reform’ process. The union reps included: Robert Hayden – Locomotive Divisional Secretary Michael Cartwright – […] Read More »

Newcastle rail rally today, 1pm

Sep 15, 2015

The battle to protect the Newcastle Rail line is continuing, with the NSW Government introducing legislation into parliament that would allow it to continue its plans to rip up the line. Read More »

Sydney Trains reform – still no detail

Sydney Trains reform – still no detail

Sep 11, 2015

We still don’t have any specific details about the ‘reform’ process at Sydney Trains. Read More »

Election for National and NSW branch vacant positions

Sep 10, 2015

The two separate Election Notices have been received from the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) regarding elections for various National and NSW Branch positions to be conducted concurrently. The notices can be found here and here. […] Read More »

Bob Hayden, Divisional Secretary

Secretary’s wrap

Prepare to hear a lot about Sydney Trains’ reform plans in my Secretary’s wrap over the coming months. The process is only just beginning, but it’s going to be long and frustrating but members can […] Read More »


