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Your RailCorp EA questions answered

Your RailCorp EA questions answered

Jul 16, 2013

With the RailCorp EA just around the corner, a series of sessions to discuss the EA have been held during recent committee meetings.   Read More »

PN Bulk Rail EA gets the nod

PN Bulk Rail EA gets the nod

Jul 4, 2013

The Pacific National Bulk Rail EA for 2013 has now officially been approved, with members voting overwhelmingly in favour of the agreement. Read More »

Sydney and NSW Trains depot tour

Sydney and NSW Trains depot tour

Jun 27, 2013

A Sydney and NSW Trains depot tour will begin in July, providing members with an opportunity to discuss the upcoming enterprise agreement and general issues affecting workers. Read More »

PN Coal EA gets approval

PN Coal EA gets approval

Jun 20, 2013

After a long campaign, the Pacific National Coal enterprise agreement will finally come into force next week. Read More »

Aurizon members urged to vote no

Aurizon members urged to vote no

Jun 6, 2013

Aurizon management have decided to put their version of the enterprise agreement to workers for a vote – despite the fact the union says the agreement will rob workers of their wages and conditions. Read More »

PN Coal members vote up EA

PN Coal members vote up EA

May 30, 2013

The Australian Electoral Commission today advised that the Pacific National Coal enterprise agreement has been endorsed by the membership. See the Newsflash here for further information. Read More »

QUBE plays hardball over national EA

QUBE plays hardball over national EA

Apr 29, 2013

QUBE management are playing hardball with the union, so far refusing requests to negotiate one national agreement that covers all QUBE entities. Read More »

Aurizon negotiations moving swiftly

Aurizon negotiations moving swiftly

Apr 29, 2013

Negotiations for a new enterprise agreement at Aurizon Intermodal are progressing quickly, with the union negotiating team hopeful in-principle agreement could be reached by the end of the week. Read More »

PN Intermodal EA – the latest

PN Intermodal EA – the latest

Mar 14, 2013

The PN Intermodal negotiating team met with the company last week to discuss whether any movement could be made on the outstanding matters in the enterprise agreement – wages and changes to the Drivers Only […] Read More »

PN Intermodal workers vote for industrial action

PN Intermodal workers vote for industrial action

Mar 1, 2013

The results of the Pacific National Intermodal protected industrial action vote are in – and members have voted overwhelmingly in favour of taking all proposed forms of action. Read More »

