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Unions Release Plan to Tackle Rising Inequality

Mar 6, 2019

Are you feeling the pinch of rising cost of living that just doesn’t keep up with wages & pensions? Do you feel the gap between the very rich and working people is growing? You’re not […] Read More »

RTBU comments in response to the ONRSR Fatigue Risk Management Review Consultation Paper

Feb 25, 2019

The Rail, Tram and Bus Union (RTBU) thanks the Office of the National Rail Safety Regulator (ONRSR) for the opportunity to make comments in response to the Fatigue Risk Management Review Consultation Paper. The RTBU […] Read More »

Freightliner Coal EA – Time to read then vote

Feb 22, 2019

All members are now receiving a Draft copy of the Enterprise Agreement for your perusal over the next 8 days of Access period from 5.00pm today Wednesday 20th February 2019 to 9.00am Thursday 28th February […] Read More »

QUBE EA negotiations update

QUBE EA negotiations update

Feb 14, 2019

On Tuesday 12th February 2019, Your RTBU Locomotive Division negotiation team met with QUBE Management at their office in Cooks River to continue negotiating your Enterprise Agreement. While it is the intention of all parties […] Read More »

Fundraiser for Central Coast kids in need

Feb 14, 2019

Our Gosford Depot Organiser Colin Dick has been organising fundraisers over the last several years for Central Coast Kids in Need. This year’s event will be held on May 5th, at 8.30am outside the Central […] Read More »

Take a guess at what this service is?

Feb 13, 2019

“Good morning customers, On behalf of NSW Trains, we would like to welcome you on board the special Premier’s Gala Concert service to Sydney.We hope you have a great day.” This is the script that […] Read More »

Around the Tracks Northern Tour is here!

Feb 13, 2019

The Around the Tracks Northern Depots tour has arrived! From the 25th of February Locomotive Division Organisers will be out and about across the following locations to talk to members about the issues that matter […] Read More »

National Rail – 25 Year Reunion

Feb 8, 2019

On the 20th of April we will be celebrating the 25th anniversary of the National Rail. Everyone is welcome to come along. When: 11 AM, 20th April Where: The Red Cow Hotel, Junee FOR MORE […] Read More »

Junee Gathers to Farewell Five Drivers

Feb 7, 2019

On January 27th, Junee drivers, past and present, gathered to farewell retirees Bevan Hackett, Geoffrey Crossman, Mark Beeche, Marc Canino and Ronald Gustowski. Friends, colleagues and comrades came from all over the state to see […] Read More »

IRA Agreement claim

Feb 7, 2019

The RTBU Locomotive Division are currently considering our ability to pursue a claim on behalf of all past and present members who were employed under the Independent Railways Australia Enterprise Agreement 2011 (the IRA Agreement), prior […] Read More »


