NSW Trains diagram Alterations
The Eveleigh depot is currently experiencing continual alterations to their existing diagrams based on what has been explained as “last minute changes from train planning”.
While some of the alterations arise from track work, many are unexplained and also appear to be unnecessary and are causing disruption to Eveleigh drivers work and home lives.
Most diagrams are having their content altered to increase working times – sometimes by as much as 3hrs – and members are reporting their frustration at the continual changes which are impacting their family lives and commitments.
The Drivers Rostering and Working Arrangements allows for alterations to occur at Clause 3.6.1 and sets out the reasons for which these occur and NSW Trains have so far failed to provide satisfactory reasoning for a large amount of the alterations.
Management have advised they will conduct a detailed analysis of the changes to date and provide a response to the RTBU. At the time of writing, this response has yet to arrive. N