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Why we need to Change the Rules on May 18th

May 10, 2019Update

The Federal Election is coming up on May 18th. Are you ready to cast your vote for a better, fairer Australia?

The upcoming Federal Election is about much more than just which party will govern Australia for the next three years. This election is about the direction of the country, and whether or not Australia can be steered toward a fairer, more prosperous and more sustainable future.

Transport workers here in NSW know better than most how important it is that we Change the Government and Change the Rules. The Sydney/NSW Trains dispute with the NSW Liberal Government early last year highlighted just how far the pendulum of fairness has swung away from workers.

Make no mistake – if the Morrison Government is re-elected, things will go from bad to worse for workers.

The Liberals and Nationals have always attacked working people – at both a state and federal level. What’s particularly concerning at the moment is that the Morrison Government is refusing to talk about its industrial relations policy. But their supporters are – and they’ve made it very clear they want to tear up every right we have by repealing the Fair Work Act. That would mean an attack on basic rights workers fought hard for over decades, like the minimum wage, annual leave and long service leave.

We can’t afford to let that happen.

The good news is, we have the power to move Australia in the right direction by voting to change the government on May 18th.

Nationally, the RTBU has identified 13 broad policy priorities relating to our industry for the major political parties, which you can read about here. As a democratic, member-based and member-run organisation, our policy positions are truly driven from the ground up by our members. Most importantly, these policy priorities provide a signpost towards a better Australia.

Australia is at a fork in the road. Our cities are clogged, but our regions are struggling. The cost of living is going up, but wages are not. Corporations are becoming more powerful, and more belligerent, while the rights of workers are being eroded. Wealth is becoming increasingly concentrated in the hands of the privileged few. And our physical environment is reaching crisis point, with escalating climate change posing an existential threat to the planet.

We, as transport workers and voters, can help steer this country in the right direction on May 18th. When you go to the ballot box, make sure you vote to Change the Government and Change the Rules. 

The choice is clear. Another term of a Liberal/National Government will spell disaster for working families in this country. Make sure you vote for the party that will deliver a better future for workers.

If any members would like to get more involved, please contact the RTBU office on (02) 9264 2511.

