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TAHE artificially bolsters budget and compromises safety according to leaked PwC report commissioned by the NSW Government

Aug 19, 2021

The NSW Auditor-General recently decided it will conduct a performance audit into the Transport Holding Asset Entity (TAHE) after a leaked PwC report revealed that corporatising the state’s transport networks was deemed the best option to plug a […] Read More »

Aurizon EA Negotiation Update No. 3: Day 4 Meeting

As previously reported, the second day of last week’s bargaining was postponed due to the escalating Covid 19 situation. Increased Covid-19 restrictions also meant the scheduled Consultative Committee and Town  Hall meetings needed to be […] Read More »

Inland Rail Project: Senate report gives a stinging assessment

Inland Rail Project: Senate report gives a stinging assessment

Aug 13, 2021

The government-owned Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC) has been blasted by the Senate inquiry into the management of Australia’s biggest freight rail project, Inland Rail. The report provides 26 recommendations to fix failures in consultation, […] Read More »

PN Member Update: Rail Worker Medical – Function Testing

As Members are aware the RTBU have raised serious concerns around major changes regarding Category One, Two and Three medicals.  Members across the country (in all workgroups) have been alarmed at the new testing regime […] Read More »

Exemption for rail operators for periodical medicals

Aug 6, 2021

Dear members, The Government has reissued the exemption for rail operators for periodical medicals when access to providers is affected by COVID-19. You can read the Government Gazette here. Read More »


Aug 6, 2021

Over past weeks Trojan employees have been signing the Majority Support Determination petition (MSD)  and demonstrated their desire for the RTBU Locomotive Division to force Trojan to negotiate an enterprise  agreement. Congratulations to you all […] Read More »

Railtrain Update – RSS GOES DOWN!

This week the Locomotive Division wrote to Railtrain Manager Chris Elston, outlining  concerns that Railtrain Services Pty Ltd (RTS) and Rail Shuttle Services Pty Ltd (RSS) has  not met good faith bargaining requirements under Section […] Read More »

Aurizon EA Negotiation Update No 2 – Day 3 and 4 of meetings

A second 2-day bargaining meeting to negotiate a replacement agreement for the Aurizon NSW Coal  Operations EA 2018 was due to be held on Wednesday 4, Thursday 5 August 2021. Discussions on the first  day […] Read More »

PN Update – COVID

Once again RTBU Members continue to keep the country running delivering essential goods and services across the Nation. The Delta strain of the virus has caused mass chaos across all the States and Territories, and […] Read More »

NIF Update: Another Win for Safety

Dear Members, We will get straight to the point. Our Legal Team has just finished in the Federal Court of Australia, where NSW Trains made a desperate and last ditch effort to force members to staff […] Read More »


