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Dispute: appointment of trainee drivers

Dispute: appointment of trainee drivers

Mar 18, 2011

The RTBU have recently gone into dispute with RailCorp over its intention to appoint Trainee Drivers to Mortdale, Hornsby & Flemington Depots upon graduation from this course. These Trainees were offered employment to take up […] Read More »

Dispute: Notch 4 Driving

Dispute: Notch 4 Driving

Mar 18, 2011

In December 2010 RailCorp announced it wished to instigate this change to current driving practices by having drivers move the master controller straight to 4 notch instead of progressively stepping up to full power. It […] Read More »

ETR sign-on times update

ETR sign-on times update

Mar 18, 2011

As previously reported in Loco Express, RailCorp are seeking to reduce the Suburban Drivers Sign on times from 16min to 10min based on the current method of Safety Critical Documentation distribution and the inclusion of […] Read More »

Freight members working in open weather

Freight members working in open weather

Mar 18, 2011

A request was made from members concerning the exposure to the open weather and conditions when working for long periods of time without the provision of proper shelter, basic needs such as cold water specifically […] Read More »

Model Work Health and Safety Regulations

Model Work Health and Safety Regulations

Mar 18, 2011

The draft model Work Health and Safety Regulations, priority codes of practice and an issues paper were released by Safe Work Australia for public comment in December last year. Unions NSW is currently formalising comment […] Read More »

Safety yards and terminals for freight operators

Safety yards and terminals for freight operators

Mar 18, 2011

Hazardous conditions in freight yards and terminals are an on-going issue. In the near future RTBU representatives including OHS Coordinator Keith McMahon will be identifying and inspecting yards and terminals across NSW. Next up is […] Read More »

New EBA boosts standards at El Zorro

New EBA boosts standards at El Zorro

Mar 11, 2011

El Zorro workers will be pleased to know that their agreement was approved by Fair Work Australia on Monday 7th March 2011. From the 14th of March over 100 workers across NSW and Victoria will now […] Read More »

Local Agreements

Local Agreements

Mar 10, 2011

Identifying if any Local Agreements have been made at Sub Division level both in RailCorp and/or Freight Operators has recently become an issue for the Division. It is also difficult for the Division to keep […] Read More »

Divisional Biennial Delegates Conference

Divisional Biennial Delegates Conference

Mar 10, 2011

This year we will hold our Biennial Delegates Conference. Planning is well underway for the Conference and Delegates will be advised over the next few months of the details and the requirements for attendance. This […] Read More »

PN Coal 9.5% aggregate allowance dispute: update

PN Coal 9.5% aggregate allowance dispute: update

Mar 10, 2011

The Division has been in dispute with PN Coal in regards to the payment of the 9.5% Aggregate Allowance as provided for in the EA. Last week and without any notice to the RTBU, PN […] Read More »

