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Help set our drug and alcohol testing policy

May 12, 2011Update

Loco Express has been up and running for a couple of months now and we’re getting good feedback from members.

As you know, we developed Loco Express as a way to let members now about the work of the division and what’s going on in your workplaces across NSW.

But we want to hear from you as well.

This month we’ve started a new initiative – the Hot Topic. This is a way for us to get your input into the big issues facing our workplaces and our industry.

This month we’re talking about drug and alcohol testing. We know this is a major issue for loco drivers who put up with regular invasions of their privacy and overly harsh implementations of drug and alcohol policy, beyond what is necessary to uphold safety.

So take the chance to comment on our drug and alcohol testing story and vote in our poll on whether you think we should be developing a campaign on this issue.

Every month we’ll have a new topic for you to discuss.

We also want to hear your story ideas for Loco Express – simply click on the ‘Share your story’ button to send through your ideas and we’ll follow it up and post it on the website.

Finally – Loco Express only works as a communications tool for the division if everyone gets behind it.

Thanks to those of you who have already subscribed to our fortnightly updates. Please take a moment to tell your colleagues about Loco Express and ask them to subscribe too.

A well-informed union is a strong union – and we need a strong union to continue delivering outcomes for members.

Bob Hayden

NSW Loco Division Secretary

