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O’Farrell sets tough wages policy for public sector

May 13, 2011News

As expected, the O’Farrell government has moved to crack down on fair public sector wage rises, with an announcement yesterday it would strictly enforce a 2.5% limit.

Although RailCorp employees fall under the Federal Industrial Relations system, this move shows the attitude that this government has to public service workers.

The NSW Government will also legislate to block the Industrial Relations Commission from delivering pay rises outside that limit, no matter how strong a case can be made for the value of their work.

This is a worrying attack on the power of NSW’s independent umpire to make an assessment of a fair outcome for public sector workers.

It also leaves public sector workers having to prove savings in advance before being able to access pay rises that come anywhere near cost of living rises.

The RTBU worked hard to lock in a pay deal for RailCorp workers ahead of the change of government, anticipating the hardline attitude the O’Farrell Government would take.

