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Stay updated on the National Rail Safety legislation changes

Stay updated on the National Rail Safety legislation changes

Dec 17, 2012

The changes to the National Rail Safety legislation come into effect on 20 January 2013. This is also the date the new Office of the National Rail Safety Regulator will begin operation. Read More »

Finally – the final transport master plan. Or is it?

Dec 14, 2012

NSW Transport Minister Gladys Berejilian yesterday revealed the final version of the state’s 20-year transport master plan. But then less than 24-hours later the government announced it will be cutting the Newcastle passenger rail line […] Read More »

*** Merry Christmas! ***

*** Merry Christmas! ***

Dec 14, 2012

The RTBU Loco Division would like to wish all members a very safe and enjoyable festive season. On behalf of all the Loco Executive, I’d like to wish everyone a very merry Christmas and a […] Read More »

Member profile: Eliott Hackett

Member profile: Eliott Hackett

Dec 12, 2012

Here we chat with long time RTBU Loco Division member, Eliott Hackett. Read More »

Latest from the National Locomotive Division

Latest from the National Locomotive Division

Dec 10, 2012

The National Locomotive Division met in Melbourne recently to discuss matters impacting on Loco Divisions around the country. Read More »

CountryLink training dispute update

CountryLink training dispute update

Dec 10, 2012

The current dispute between the RTBU Loco Division and Railcorp/CountryLink over competency based training has gone before Fair Work Australia. Read More »

QR members vote up EA

QR members vote up EA

Dec 7, 2012

QR Intermodal members recently voted in favour of a 10 month roll over the old EA – with the addition of a few key changes. Read More »

Loco joins Facebook

Loco joins Facebook

Dec 6, 2012

Like Loco Express on Facebook! Loco Express has just launched a Facebook page – www.facebook.com/rtbulocoexpress. ‘Like’ the Loco Express page and keep up-to-date with everything happening in the RTBU Loco Division. Read More »

PN Coal workers face industrial action vote

PN Coal workers face industrial action vote

Dec 4, 2012

Fair Work Australia has ruled in favour of the Loco Division’s application for a protected industrial action ballot following a breakdown in negotiations with Pacific National over a new Coal EBA. Read More »

Opal cards – good concept or job slasher?

Nov 30, 2012

It’s only a decade later than planned, but the Opal integrated public transport ticket has finally arrived. Not for everyone though, just the few people who catch the ferry from North Sydney. The rest of […] Read More »

