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Launch of Cumberland Community Unions

Launch of Cumberland Community Unions

Jun 6, 2013

Loco Division members are invited to join local workers, their unions and supporters in the Cumberland community for the official launch of a new Local Union Community group for the Smithfield & Fairfield areas of […] Read More »

Union victory for NSW/Sydney Trains agreement

Union victory for NSW/Sydney Trains agreement

Jun 6, 2013

The RTBU and combined rail unions have successfully ensured all rail workers transferring into the new NSW and Sydney Train entities on 1 July 2013 will continue to be covered by the current RailCorp Agreement. Read More »

Aurizon members urged to vote no

Aurizon members urged to vote no

Jun 6, 2013

Aurizon management have decided to put their version of the enterprise agreement to workers for a vote – despite the fact the union says the agreement will rob workers of their wages and conditions. Read More »

PN Coal members vote up EA

PN Coal members vote up EA

May 30, 2013

The Australian Electoral Commission today advised that the Pacific National Coal enterprise agreement has been endorsed by the membership. See the Newsflash here for further information. Read More »

El Zorro’s financial woes resurface

El Zorro’s financial woes resurface

May 29, 2013

El Zorro’s financial difficulties have surfaced again, with a NSW train leasing company recently making an application to wind up the rail operator. Read More »

Proposed removal of detonators from RailCorp Network

Proposed removal of detonators from RailCorp Network

May 25, 2013

RailCorp have recently proposed to remove detonators from all electric rolling stock following over 80 instances of crew cabs being broken into detonators being stolen. One recent incident resulted in a young man losing his […] Read More »

Maintenance centre train wash proposal update

Maintenance centre train wash proposal update

May 25, 2013

RailCorp recently proposed to have train washes “timetabled” and incorporated into diagrams so the incoming driver would be responsible for the train wash procedure – not the rostered shed/wash driver as is the current practice […] Read More »

Voting now open for PN Coal EA

Voting now open for PN Coal EA

May 23, 2013

Members at Pacific National Coal should have now received their ballot papers for the PN Coal NSW Enterprise Agreement 2013. Read More »

Injured at work? We want to hear from you

Injured at work? We want to hear from you

May 23, 2013

In June last year, the O’Farrell Government slashed Workers Compensation for all workers in NSW. Read More »

Want to be on the Aurizon negotiating team?

Want to be on the Aurizon negotiating team?

May 21, 2013

An initial meeting has been held with Aurizon management to discuss arrangements for commencing enterprise agreement negotiations – and now we’re looking for members wishing to lend a hand. Read More »

