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Rally, Fri 31 July: Stop the China free trade agreement

Rally, Fri 31 July: Stop the China free trade agreement

Jul 29, 2015

Tony Abbott’s free trade deal with China was negotiated in secret and it’s a bad deal for workers. It’s clear that Tony Abbott’s business mates are the winners, not ordinary working people. Read More »

Two year and still no agreement at QUBE. Time to vote

Two year and still no agreement at QUBE. Time to vote

Jul 28, 2015

No agreement has been reached on the new QUBE enterprise agreement, despite discussions with the company being had for the past two years. Read More »

Secretary’s wrap

Secretary’s wrap

Jul 24, 2015

Drivers on the South West Rail Link recently will have noticed a slow down notice for driving between Leppington and Edmonson Park. Initially the 115kph speed limit was changed to 10kph one direction and 40kph […] Read More »

IN FOCUS: Broken Hill, the birthplace of Australian unions

IN FOCUS: Broken Hill, the birthplace of Australian unions

Jul 24, 2015

Dan Leece explores Broken Hill and its union links. In 1844 explorer Charles Sturt, sighted and named the Barrier Range and noted the sighting of a ‘broken hill’ down in his diary. Read More »

It’s tax time

It’s tax time

Jul 23, 2015

Tax time is here again. Check out Working Life’s top 10 tips for doing your tax return this year. It’s bound to make the unenjoyable task a little less painful. Read More »

Slow zone on the South West Rail Link

Slow zone on the South West Rail Link

Jul 23, 2015

Train drivers on the South West Rail Link were recently issued with an urgent message to dramatically reduce their speed between Edmonson Park and Leppington. Read More »

We can knock off the China Free Trade Agreement

We can knock off the China Free Trade Agreement

Jul 22, 2015

The China Free Trade Agreement that Tony Abbott signed recently, will allow employers to bring overseas workers in first, without advertising jobs to local workers. Read More »

Around the Tracks – coming soon

Around the Tracks – coming soon

Jul 22, 2015

A hard copy version of Loco Express is coming your way! Read More »

John Holland intrastate discussions

John Holland intrastate discussions

The Loco Division has been in talks with John Holland recently about the company’s Intrastate Operations. Read More »

Government fighting Newcastle rail line ruling

Government fighting Newcastle rail line ruling

Jul 15, 2015

The Newcastle rail line saga is continuing, with the Government’s appeal against the recent Supreme Court ruling now set to be heard. Read More »


