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The RTBU NSW Locomotive Division represents employees of QUBE.

QUBE Enterprise Agreement Update

QUBE Enterprise Agreement Update

Jul 24, 2020

As members would be aware, the successor QUBE 2020 Enterprise Agreement was recently endorsed by the majority of the employees/members; the vote being 57 YES to 44 NO. The Enterprise Agreement includes several changes including […] Read More »

QUBE Enterprise Agreement Update

Apr 28, 2020

Late last week, QUBE finally responded to our letter which addresses concerns that QUBE was not bargaining in good faith. Within this letter, QUBE stated that they still wished to continue with negotiations, however QUBE […] Read More »

QUBE Enterprise Agreement Update

QUBE Enterprise Agreement Update

Apr 17, 2020

We know many of you are concerned following QUBE’s outrageous letter cancelling any enterprise agreement negotiations due to the COVID-19 virus. Today, our internal Locomotive Divisional Legal Officer sent QUBE a letter raising our concerns […] Read More »

QUBE Enterprise Agreement Update

Apr 6, 2020

Negotiations for a new enterprise agreement have been ongoing since 2018. QUBE has sent out 2 approved agreement’s, which were not endorsed by the NSW RTBU Locomotive Division EA Team, and, as such, resulted in […] Read More »

QUBE Enterprise Agreement gets voted down – again!

Mar 6, 2020

 Members have had their say by voting down QUBE’s proposed Enterprise Agreement AGAIN. The vote went down by 55 to 53 with 7 members/employees not voting.  Soon after notification of the vote, the NSW Locomotive […] Read More »

QUBE EA Update

Feb 6, 2020

QUBE has now sent out their proposed Enterprise Agreement for Members/Employees to vote on. This proposed EA has not been endorsed by your RTBU NSW Locomotive Division EA Negotiating Team.  There are still 3 major […] Read More »

QUBE Enterprise Agreement Update

Jan 8, 2020

In a last-ditch effort to reach an in-principle agreement, your RTBU Locomotive Division Delegate EA bargaining team met with QUBE Management yesterday at Cooks River.  This was the last arranged meeting regarding the negotiating of […] Read More »

QUBE Enterprise Agreement Update

Nov 28, 2019

After an overwhelming rejection of the company’s proposed Enterprise Agreement (EA) of 101 to 8 in early November 2019, your EA negotiating team met with QUBE management yesterday in an effort to get the improved […] Read More »

QUBE Enterprise Agreement Update

Nov 5, 2019

Members have overwhelmingly voted down the company’s proposed Enterprise Agreement by 101 to 8. Congratulations for standing as one to fight for your current and future working conditions and pay.  Next Steps : There is […] Read More »

QUBE Enterprise Agreement: VOTE NO!

Oct 15, 2019

Members would be aware that QUBE have finally stated that they will put the Agreement out to be voted on by employees following almost three months of refusing to let members having their say on […] Read More »

