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QUBE Members Enterprise Agreement Update
Meeting No. 4

Aug 24, 2022QUBE Update

Yesterday, Thursday 18th August 2022, your Locomotive Division Enterprise Agreement Committee met with QUBE Management to continue bargaining for your replacement Enterprise Agreement.

This meeting was to discuss several of your claims and QUBE’s only claim regarding In-Cab Video and Audio. The meeting lasted a couple of hours and whilst some progress was made, there is a long way to go. We made it clear to the Company that none of our claims were off the table.

The following outlines the items discussed:
• Classification Structure – An in-principal agreement has been reached regarding adding 2 new levels to your classification structure, The TerminalDriver and Lead Second Person. More work needs to be done to make sure that employees progress through the levels, and what constitutes a Terminal or Terminal work.
• Rostering Issues – Issues raised centered around why are the rosters being posted on the Friday, and why is there no forecast rosters when there is mandatory work in nearly every Depot. QUBE committed to investigate these 2 issues and respond at the next meeting.
• Cancelled Shifts – Why are members being advised that their shift is cancelled when it is still running, and then being told that they are starting early in the morning the following day. We made it clear that this practice is not acceptable, and changes need to occur to make sure it doesn’t happen.
We await the Company’s feedback on this matter.
• Novated Leasing – We were advised that whilst this matter is still being discussed at QUBE’s Management level, it would probably be agreed, fall within the EA, and only be available for vehicles.
• Retention Bonus – Whilst QUBE management agree that this claim is a good incentive, they advised that as far as they are concerned it will be put in the final basket when pay rises are discussed. Our claim is for $5,000 in addition to an 8% pay increase each year.

QUBE now clearly understand that members have major issues around rostering, and that members expect these to be fixed including any interpretation issues in this round of bargaining.

Our next meeting is scheduled for 1 September 2022 at Cooks River.

Download the update here

