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The RTBU NSW Locomotive Division represents employees of QUBE.

QUBE Enterprise Agreement update- 8 March

Mar 8, 2024

Yesterday, we met with QUBE Management as part of the Good Faith Bargaining Conference outcome that was before Deputy President Cross on 19 February 2024.  As part of that Conference, QUBE were to supply an […] Read More »

QUBE Enterprise Agreement update- 22 Feb

Feb 22, 2024

Members should be aware that a Good Faith Bargaining Conference occurred, following the application filed by the RTBU Locomotive Division, before Deputy President Cross last Monday 19 February 2024.  As a result, QUBE has been […] Read More »

QUBE Enterprise Agreement update

Feb 9, 2024

As advised our last newsflash, we filed for Good Faith Bargaining Orders against QUBE, and we can advise that this has now been set down for Conference before Deputy President Cross next Tuesday (13 February […] Read More »

QUBE still delaying an Enterprise Agreement

Feb 1, 2024

The RTBU NSW Locomotive Division wrote to QUBE Management on 18 January 2024 expressing our frustration and concerns with QUBE’s conduct in bargaining for the replacement Enterprise Agreement and requesting that they reply by 24 […] Read More »

QUBE EA offer gets the thumbs down- again

Dec 15, 2023

QUBE Management has had a third attempt at sneaking through an Enterprise Agreement without an in-principal agreement from your Delegates or the RTBU NSW Locomotive Division. This would come as no surprise to members who […] Read More »

QUBE EA Member tour

Nov 24, 2023

In response to QUBE’s disgraceful 13-day lockout of RTBU Locomotive Division Members, a Lock-Out Support Fund was established to support and recognise members impacted by QUBE’s actions.  Locomotive Divisional Council endorsed a further contribution to […] Read More »

QUBE Enterprise Agreement update- too little, too late

Nov 10, 2023

We have been advised that QUBE management will be sending out another Enterprise Agreement for you to vote on very shortly.  This is QUBE’s last ditch effort to get an agreement across the line before […] Read More »

QUBE Enterprise Agreement update- 27 September

Sep 27, 2023

Response to QUBE memorandum of 26 September 2023  Again, in another Memorandum sent to all NSW Train Crew yesterday, QUBE state they want to end this long running EA Bargaining dispute but only if you […] Read More »

QUBE Enterprise Agreement Update 22 September

Sep 22, 2023

Members, by now you would have all seen the “Enterprise Bargaining Update” that QUBE put out to all employees on 13 September 2023. In that memorandum, QUBE stated: • That they “were disappointed that the […] Read More »

QUBE Enterprise Agreement Update- 8 September

Sep 8, 2023

Yesterday, your RTBU Locomotive Division Negotiating Team returned to the Fair Work Commission for continued conciliation with QUBE management facilitated by Commissioner Crawford. This is the first meeting since 7 August 2023, and although it […] Read More »

