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The RTBU NSW Locomotive Division represents employees of QUBE.

QUBE – Fair Work Commission Update 

QUBE – Fair Work Commission Update 

Aug 4, 2023

Your RTBU Locomotive Division Negotiating team returned to the Fair Work Commission today, 4 August 2023, for a conciliation with Qube management facilitated by Commissioner Crawford.  Members who have been following along would be aware […] Read More »

Fair Work Commission Update & stopping industrial action

Aug 2, 2023

This evening we received the Fair Work Commission’s decision dismissing our section 424 application. Obviously, this is a disappointing result but it was simply too difficult for the Union to prove the safety allegations with […] Read More »

QUBE notifies of ANOTHER Lock-out 

QUBE notifies of ANOTHER Lock-out 

Jul 29, 2023

With RTBU members becoming more and more concerned at the safety risks posed by QUBE’s efforts to mitigate a lack of train crew, it was decided that Protected Industrial Action notified by members would be […] Read More »

QUBE Members Returning to Work Amid Safety Concerns 

Jul 28, 2023

As Members enter the 9th day of the QUBE lockout, the alarming picture of the depths to which QUBE management are willing to sink to keep trains moving has come sharply into focus. While we […] Read More »

QUBE Members Still Standing United 

Jul 27, 2023

Today marks the 8th day Members being locked out by an arrogant and deceitful employer, despite having reached in-principle agreement on a new EA on 26 June, 2023.  Members remain strong in the face of […] Read More »

 QUBE Members Stand United 

 QUBE Members Stand United 

Jul 21, 2023

QUBE Members are standing united across New South Wales in defiance of low acts from their morally bankrupt employer. The lockout of RTBU Members has rolled on as QUBE continues to hold Member’s enterprise agreement […] Read More »

QUBE Newcastle- PIA meeting and support BBQ

Jul 20, 2023

QUBE members across the state are currently taking strike action in support of a new enterprise agreement and wage claim after QUBE Management locked them out. Newcastle members are advised, the RTBU Locomotive Division, will […] Read More »

QUBE members on strike from 0001 hours

Jul 19, 2023

In an embarrassing own goal, earlier today QUBE sent a notice stating that it would not pay or accept work from its employees that are undertaking the RTBU Protected Industrial Action that was notified to […] Read More »

QUBE Protected Industrial Action to start on Thursday

Jul 19, 2023

QUBE Management have not contacted your Union since Wednesday 12th July 2023, and as such we believe that QUBE do not want to resolve your Enterprise Agreement and are quite prepared for you to start […] Read More »

QUBE’s Protected Industrial Action

Jul 17, 2023

QUBE employees will have received another memorandum from Dan Coulton on 14 July 2023. Again, this memorandum was a publication so full of inaccuracies that it warrants a direct response.  Did we give our members […] Read More »

