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Employer News

BREAKING NEWS: RMC and Railtrain stopped in their tracks – RTBU members win Right To Be Union

Sep 21, 2018

RTBU members have secured a major victory at the Fair Work Commission against RMC Track and Civil and its parent company Railtrain. RMC scheduled a vote on a proposed non-Union enterprise agreement in the pre-dawn […] Read More »

BREAKING: RMC and RailTrain stopped in their tracks – RTBU members win the Right to be Union 

BREAKING: RMC and RailTrain stopped in their tracks – RTBU members win the Right to be Union 

Sep 20, 2018

RTBU members have secured a major victory at the Fair Work Commission against RMC Track and Civil and its parent company Railtrain. RMC scheduled a vote on a proposed non-Union enterprise agreement in the pre-dawn […] Read More »

Railtrain Newsflash: the workers united will never be defeated

Sep 6, 2018

For over 18 months, Railtrain workers have stood strong and united in the face of management’s desperate attempts to keep undercutting your pay and conditions. As one employee said: “Railtrain will do or say anything […] Read More »

Why does Railtrain pay less?

Sep 4, 2018

Railtrain is pulling every stunt and cutting every corner to avoid bargaining for a fair enterprise agreement. Click here to download the latest bulletin about why Railtrain pays its workers less.  Read More »

Your voice has been heard: congratulations to all members

Your voice has been heard: congratulations to all members

Aug 31, 2018

Following on from your actions, Aurizon have finally heard you loud and clear and have listened to your concerns. After 9 months of negotiating your employment conditions, every clause that had been negotiated now has […] Read More »



Aug 31, 2018

For over 18 months, your RTBU have been negotiating with Railtrain for a new enterprise agreement (EA). Every step of the way, we have been met with Railtrain’s deliberate and underhanded tactics to deny you […] Read More »

Lost in translation: Railtrain EA

Aug 29, 2018

Need help translating the company messages about the EA? Click here to download the latest RTBU National Railtrain Newsflash.  Read More »

Strike action for Aurizon inaction

Aug 23, 2018

Your RTBU team gave Aurizon management an opportunity to resolve the outstanding issues and move forward with a new Enterprise Agreement but we were unable to reach agreement and the Company representatives walked out of […] Read More »

Aurizon: It only took 7 minutes

Aug 23, 2018

The RTBU met with Aurizon representatives today, Wednesday 22nd August 2018 as a result of the RTBU contacting the Company following last weekend’s protected industrial action. At the start of the meeting today, your RTBU […] Read More »



Aug 20, 2018

Southern Shorthaul Rail has decided to take its version of a new enterprise agreement straight out to employees, after management and the union were unable to reach an agreement at the negotiating table. The RTBU […] Read More »

