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Employer News

Calling all PN HSRs

As we know, HSR’S play a crucial role ensuring the health, safety and wellbeing of people in the workplace. The role of an elected HSR is not only vital, it’s backed by Legislative powers. A […] Read More »

RTBU Momentum members update: Monies owed repaid $$$$$$$$

May 12, 2020

SUPERANNUATION PAYMENTS MADE An NSW RTBU Locomotive Division member identified a shortfall in payments made under the Australian Superannuation Guarantee Legislation being paid for work performed on a Public holiday with the Company being notified […] Read More »

NSW Trains NIF and COVID-19

NSW Trains NIF and COVID-19

May 4, 2020

Members will be aware of the current situation with COVID-19 and the effects it is having our work environment, families, and social lives. What members may not be aware of is NSW Trains appalling approach […] Read More »


May  Day  is  usually  celebrated  on  May  1st.  It’s  a  day  when  workers  come  together  to celebrate solidarity and to commemorate those that have gone before them and fought hard against the bosses for fairness […] Read More »

Intermodal driver update

PN, after being forced to backdown on their anti-worker agenda of pushing a vote  through, have come to the table and are negotiating with the RTBU (as per Member demand) around possible flexibility triggers during […] Read More »

Training and COVID 19

Members will be aware of the requirements of social distancing in the current environment and the two person per cab rule in place at this time. The impact of these requirements has meant that in-cab […] Read More »

PN Coal say no to counter flexibility offer

As we reported on Friday, Pacific National (PN) Coal took the weekend to consider your delegates counter proposals regarding potential flexibilities in case of a COVID-19 related emergency at a PN depot. Delegates and Officials […] Read More »

QUBE Enterprise Agreement Update

Apr 28, 2020

Late last week, QUBE finally responded to our letter which addresses concerns that QUBE was not bargaining in good faith. Within this letter, QUBE stated that they still wished to continue with negotiations, however QUBE […] Read More »

NSW Trains Member Information

Apr 27, 2020

The Locomotive Division has received numerous queries from its members regarding Regional Drivers and how they were able to originally achieve a 5.4% wage increase for a new operating model. The last significant change to […] Read More »

PN Bulk discussions commence re COVID-19 EA change request

After PN Bulk agreed they would not proceed to a vote to change your EA, meetings with NSW RTBU Locomotive Division Officials and Your Delegates commenced on Monday. During these discussions we demanded that any […] Read More »


