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Employer News

Sydney Trains NIF: An urgent update

Sydney Trains NIF: An urgent update

As members would NSW Trains and Transport for NSW have been attempting to push through an operating model for the New InterCity Fleet (NIF) that strips all safety responsibilities from Guards and places them solely […] Read More »

New InterCity Fleet – August Depot Tour

Sep 3, 2020

As members would be aware, the Locomotive Division recently undertook a depot wide tour during August to the regions affected by the introduction of the New InterCity Fleet and its dangerous mode of operation. The […] Read More »

RTBU NSW Branch and Locomotive Division to jointly appeal FWC decision that says an employer does not need union approval for new roles

RTBU NSW Branch and Locomotive Division to jointly appeal FWC decision that says an employer does not need union approval for new roles

Sep 2, 2020

A recent FWC finding has said that NSW Trains won’t have to reach in-principle agreement on new driver and guard roles for the NIF. As members may be aware, the NIF is asking drivers to […] Read More »

Another Transfer Dispute

Another Transfer Dispute

Aug 18, 2020

Members will not be surprised to know that another dispute exists in relation to what is a never-ending story of stuff ups relating to transfers within NSW Trains. This most recent matter involves at least […] Read More »

NIF Simulator Roadshow Results

Aug 13, 2020

Members will be aware that NSW Trains recently took its shiny new NIF simulator on a roadshow to several depots to allow members to get “hands on” experience of this piece of equipment. Newcastle and […] Read More »

NIF Simulator Road Show: Mt Victoria

Jul 29, 2020

Members may have heard that NSW Trains are embarking on a road show with their NIF simulator to all depots. The simulator will be at Mt Victoria from Friday 31 July until Sunday August 2nd […] Read More »

NIF Simulator Road Show

Jul 28, 2020

Members will be aware from management propaganda that their shiny new simulator has been delivered and is currently doing the rounds of some depots for members to view and try out for themselves. Whereas management […] Read More »

QUBE Enterprise Agreement Update

QUBE Enterprise Agreement Update

Jul 24, 2020

As members would be aware, the successor QUBE 2020 Enterprise Agreement was recently endorsed by the majority of the employees/members; the vote being 57 YES to 44 NO. The Enterprise Agreement includes several changes including […] Read More »

Fatigue Management Plan Risk Assessment

Jul 7, 2020

Members will recall the February Loco Express article regarding the NSW Trains proposal to trial their fatigue management plan at various depots or locations. Wyong station staff have been trialling their roster with the new […] Read More »

NIF OIM Process Update

Jul 7, 2020

Your Union wishes to advise Members of recent developments in the introduction of the New InterCity Fleet. As Members are aware, NSW Trains has held a series of fortnightly meetings to discuss new procedures in […] Read More »


