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Another Transfer Dispute

Aug 18, 2020NSW Trains

Members will not be surprised to know that another dispute exists in relation to what is a never-ending story of stuff ups relating to transfers within NSW Trains. This most recent matter involves at least six members from different depots who have either been made offers of transfer to Newcastle incorrectly or not receiving the same when they were senior to those offered. To make matters worse for itself, NSW Trains also put out a waiver for Newcastle whilst the transfer list process was not complete thereby compounding the mistakes already made. Drivers accepted the transfers offered without knowing they were not eligible whilst some were subsequently contacted and their offer rescinded.

Once again the Loco Division was left to try and sort this complex mess out and despite repeated attempts to have NSW Trains rectify the mistakes made, a dispute was lodged to stop the wrong transfers occurring until it is resolved. One would not be cynical in stating the bleeding obvious here, there are two lists, a State Seniority List and a 2020 Transfer List, compare one against the other and make an offer of transfer, its that simple however, NSW Trains appears to be unable to grasp the simple logic required here.

