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Asciano boasts huge profit, tries to shortchange workers

Asciano boasts huge profit, tries to shortchange workers

Aug 23, 2012

Pacific National parent company, Asciano, has posted a huge jump in earnings, with full-year results showing an almost 43 per cent increase in net profit. Revenue for the company’s rail division rose 14.6 per cent […] Read More »

Freightliner Intermodal EA – In principle Agreement Reached

Freightliner Intermodal EA – In principle Agreement Reached

Aug 23, 2012

During the recent EA negotiations with Freightliner Intermodel the union was striving to standardise wherever possible the Freightliner EAs and secure the same excellent conditions as provided in the Coal EA. After lengthy negotiations, the […] Read More »

3801 drivers missing out on EA rises

3801 drivers missing out on EA rises

Mar 19, 2012

The 3801 steam locomotive, built in Sydney by Clyde Engineering in 1943, has been painstakingly repaired and maintained by full-time, casual and volunteer employees since the 1980s. It’s a labour of love but for a […] Read More »

Constructive negotiations end the PN stand-down dispute

Constructive negotiations end the PN stand-down dispute

Mar 15, 2012

The RTBU has reached an agreement with PN Coal regarding the interpretation of the stand-down clause of the EA.   The union recently disputed the way stand-down notices were delivered recently at Port Kembla and […] Read More »

PN drags its feet on EA negotiations

PN drags its feet on EA negotiations

Mar 12, 2012

The RTBU is currently negotiating with four divisions of Pacific National – operational, intermodal train crew, coal and bulk – as the current EAs expire on June 30, 2012. The negotiations have been going on […] Read More »

Freight aims to match coal in new EA

Freight aims to match coal in new EA

Mar 12, 2012

The RTBU and Freightliner Australia have commenced negotiations on the EA for the freight side of the business which is due to expire at the end of 2012. With RTBU members in coal enjoying a […] Read More »

Southern Shorthaul Railroad EA close to finalisation

Southern Shorthaul Railroad EA close to finalisation

Mar 12, 2012

The RTBU have commenced talks with SSR to replace the current EA that expired some years ago. It is attempting to modernise the EA to bring each clause up to the current industry standard on […] Read More »

Part-Time Employment

Part-Time Employment

Jan 13, 2012

Recently the Division was advised by RailCorp that “in accordance with clause 141 of the RailCorp Enterprise Agreement 2010”, it has developed a proposal to offer current full-time suburban train crew employees the opportunity to […] Read More »

PN Victoria EA signed off

PN Victoria EA signed off

Dec 14, 2011

The RTBU and PN have now finished negotiations on the new PN Victoria EA and the EA was presented to all employees on October 26 and 27 through emails and depot distribution. Depot tours by […] Read More »

Freight Update

Freight Update

Dec 5, 2011

2009 EA Back Pay: After many months of correspondence, the RTBU Locomotive division has finally been able to achieve back pay for two members who transferred from PN Coal to PN Bulk during the 12 […] Read More »

