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PN Coal members vote in favour of action

PN Coal members vote in favour of action

Jan 18, 2013

Members at PN Coal today voted overwhelming in favour of taking protected industrial action, following the company’s refusal to negotiate a fair and reasonable Agreement. Read More »

PN bullying campaign

PN bullying campaign

Jan 16, 2013

PN Coal members recently received a letter from the company, threatening to slowly drop its wage offer if members don’t agree with the company’s EA deal. Read More »

PN coal members say ‘no’ to company EA

PN coal members say ‘no’ to company EA

Dec 18, 2012

Members at Pacific National Coal have voted overwhelming against the company’s enterprise agreement. Read More »

CountryLink training dispute update

CountryLink training dispute update

Dec 10, 2012

The current dispute between the RTBU Loco Division and Railcorp/CountryLink over competency based training has gone before Fair Work Australia. Read More »

QR members vote up EA

QR members vote up EA

Dec 7, 2012

QR Intermodal members recently voted in favour of a 10 month roll over the old EA – with the addition of a few key changes. Read More »

PN Coal workers face industrial action vote

PN Coal workers face industrial action vote

Dec 4, 2012

Fair Work Australia has ruled in favour of the Loco Division’s application for a protected industrial action ballot following a breakdown in negotiations with Pacific National over a new Coal EBA. Read More »

When good faith turns bad

When good faith turns bad

Nov 25, 2012

Unfortunately our colleagues in the Tram and Bus Division of the RTBU have recently had a taste of what happens when an employer turns its back on a negotiated EA. Read More »

QR Intermodal workers set for a good agreement

QR Intermodal workers set for a good agreement

Nov 9, 2012

QR Intermodal members look set to receive a good outcome in Enterprise Agreement negotiations, with the company coming to the table on a number of areas outlined by the membership. Read More »

Freightliner agreement gets the nod

Freightliner agreement gets the nod

Sep 17, 2012

The new Freightliner Agreement, which members recently voted up, will come into effect on the 21st September. Fair Work Australia approved the Freightliner Enterprise Agreement on the 14th September, after members voted unanimously in favour […] Read More »

Freightliner Agreement voted up

Freightliner Agreement voted up

Aug 31, 2012

Freightliner members yesterday voted unanimously in favour of the new Enterprise Agreement. The parties will now complete the necessary paperwork and send the Enterprise Agreement and supporting documents to Fair Work Australia for approval. Once […] Read More »

