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AFULE coverage limited to Queensland

AFULE coverage limited to Queensland

Mar 27, 2011

In good news for the rail industry, Fair Work Australia has confirmed that Queensland’s AFULE – despite dropping the ‘Q’ from its name – may not recruit loco drivers outside of Queensland. The AFULE have […] Read More »

Update from our comrades in Japan

Update from our comrades in Japan

Mar 25, 2011

“I will be never beaten!” – Extracts from the diary of Massa Takahashi, train driver from the Mito region and Member of the JREU, the RTBU’s sister union 15 March, 5th day of evacuation We […] Read More »

Richmond line duplication

Richmond line duplication

Mar 23, 2011

The duplication of the Richmond track is nearing completion and the Loco Division has been involved in ensuring that driver needs are addressed around issues of signal sighting, safety concerns, amenities and the Draft Risk […] Read More »

RailCorp: train preparation at risk

RailCorp: train preparation at risk

Mar 23, 2011

RailCorp have proposed to reduce the train preparation procedure (for silver sets and Tangara trains) and therefore reduce the time taken by drivers to perform this important work. For 18 months, the loco division has […] Read More »

Professional Driving Handbook: Up-skilling drivers

Professional Driving Handbook: Up-skilling drivers

Mar 23, 2011

RTBU loco division reps and members from the principal driver, driver trainer and driver ranks have been attending Professional Driving Handbook workshops. The workshops are part of an initiative to reduce the incidence of Signals […] Read More »

From our comrades in Japan

From our comrades in Japan

Mar 18, 2011

The RTBU has strong and enduring ties with Japan’s Rail Union – the JREU. The JREU is playing an active role supporting its members to cope with the disaster. The NSW Loco Division sends our […] Read More »

Victory for Junee drivers

Victory for Junee drivers

Mar 18, 2011

The RTBU have recently succeeded in stopping CountryLink imposing sub standard training for Drivers in the Junee Depot. CountryLink had sought to issue a “map” to Drivers as a training tool for what amounted to […] Read More »

Freightliner’s first EBA a step closer

Freightliner’s first EBA a step closer

Mar 18, 2011

Negotiations have continued with Freightliner Coal, for their first EA, with another day of negotiations occurring yesterday. Further progress was made with significant changes being agreed and the parties have now allocated Friday 25 March […] Read More »

PN Coal 9.5% allowance dispute

PN Coal 9.5% allowance dispute

Mar 18, 2011

As reported in an earlier Loco Express article, PN Coal had made an application for a hearing in FWA regarding the intent of the 9.5% Aggregate Allowance payments within the EA. The Division had our […] Read More »

PN Intermodal Meeting

PN Intermodal Meeting

Mar 18, 2011

As a result of a number of EA interpretation issues, many involving local depot dispute notices, a meeting is being arranged with PN Intermodal to discuss the following issues: • Being rostered for an AVP […] Read More »

