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More from Massa Takahashi, our Comrade in Japan

More from Massa Takahashi, our Comrade in Japan

Apr 12, 2011

“The tracks have been damaged in 1700 places” – Extracts from the diary of Massa Takahashi, train driver from the Mito region and Member of the JREU, the RTBU’s sister union The 28th Day since […] Read More »

RailCorp told no extra preparation without extra time

RailCorp told no extra preparation without extra time

Apr 12, 2011

RailCorp and CountryLink have been trying unsuccessfully for some time now to convince drivers to carry out tasks that are not part of agreed preparation duties. The latest effort appears to be an attempt to […] Read More »

Changes to sign on times deferred

Changes to sign on times deferred

Apr 8, 2011

The RTBU has been successful in deferring a proposal to remove the additional six minutes sign on time afforded to Suburban drivers for their train preparation procedure until the OPCREW rostering system is optimized later […] Read More »

Disgraceful state of southern track exposed

Disgraceful state of southern track exposed

Apr 8, 2011

As any loco driver using the Sydney to Melbourne track will know, extensive parts of it are in a disgraceful condition with extensive parts of the line affected by mudholes and buckled tracks. Train drivers […] Read More »

Update: Transfer and Roster Placement Policy Success

Update: Transfer and Roster Placement Policy Success

Apr 5, 2011

RTBU is pleased to announce that it has had some success in ensuring RailCorp uphold the Transfer and Roster Placement Policy and the Seniority system currently in place. The RTBU previously reported that it had […] Read More »

Proposed Change to Millennium and OSCAR Safety Measures

Proposed Change to Millennium and OSCAR Safety Measures

Apr 5, 2011

RailCorp have recently announced a proposal to change the Vigilance Timing Cycle on Millennium and OSCAR trains to 30 seconds, bringing them in line with the remainder of the fleet. RailCorp believes this change is […] Read More »

If it quacks like a duck … it’s the new yard horn

If it quacks like a duck … it’s the new yard horn

Apr 1, 2011

The Loco Division has considerable concerns about RailCorp’s trial of a new low decibel audible warning device at MacDonaldtown depot. The new device is to replace the yard horn, which doesn’t meet noise pollution laws, […] Read More »

Farewell Pricey

Farewell Pricey

Apr 1, 2011

Best wishes from the RTBU Loco Division to retiring RailCorp Driver Greg Price. Greg, who was based at Wollongong and Moss Vale during his career, has been a long-term union activist and delegate who has […] Read More »

Major improvements at Glenlee

Major improvements at Glenlee

Apr 1, 2011

Health and safety conditions at QR Interail’s Glenlee rail siding have improved dramatically following action by the  Loco Division. Loco Division representatives Keith McMahon and Kevin Pryor first inspected the site three months ago, noting […] Read More »

Industry standards get a boost at Freightliner

Industry standards get a boost at Freightliner

Apr 1, 2011

Freightliner drivers are set to become some of the highest-paid freight drivers in the state for a 38-hour week under a new agreement negotiated by the RTBU to be voted on next week. The agreement […] Read More »

