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EA negotiations

Attention PN members

Jun 9, 2017

Your RTBU Negotiating Team has been hard at work to get a negotiated outcome which reflects the views of members , and deliver the best deal for you in your new Agreement. While we still […] Read More »

Progress at Freightliner

Progress at Freightliner

Oct 28, 2014

Progress is being made towards a new Enterprise Agreement at Freightliner. Loco Division Secretary Bob Hayden and the negotiating committee met with the company this week and have agreed to meet again on the 6th […] Read More »

Want to be on the Aurizon negotiating team?

Want to be on the Aurizon negotiating team?

May 21, 2013

An initial meeting has been held with Aurizon management to discuss arrangements for commencing enterprise agreement negotiations – and now we’re looking for members wishing to lend a hand. Read More »

Loco Division warming up for RailCorp EA

Loco Division warming up for RailCorp EA

May 20, 2013

Loco Division RailCorp delegates are beginning discussion with members about the upcoming RailCorp EA negotiations – which we know are going to be tough. Read More »

Pacific National Bulk EA in final stages

Pacific National Bulk EA in final stages

Apr 26, 2013

The final version of the Pacific National Bulk enterprise agreement is currently being reviewed in an effort to finalise the agreement before sending it out to members for voting. Read More »

