Sydney Trains – Millennium Set OEP Trial
The RTBU Locomotive Division and HSR representatives have continually pushed for an improved Millennium Operator Enable Pedal (OEP) foot pedal for some time.
Through the Millennium upgrade, there is now a proposal to upgrade the OEP to a Waratah type foot pedal. This pedal is currently being trialed and assessed for its operational functionality.

As part of a Millennium fleet improvement initiative, two Waratah type OEPs have been installed on set M22 (Cars D1045 and Car D1046). A six-month trial, starting in July 2021, has been developed in consultation with the RTBULD and HSRs to gather feedback from Train Crew on the performance and suitability of the new OEP. The operation of the foot pedal will remain the same.
During the trial period, Members are requested to provide feedback to verify the performance of the Waratah OEP and gather any additional information relevant to the trial.
An online survey is accessible in eSCD 25 June 2021 or the Sydney Trains Intranet. Additionally, two copies of an Information Bulletin have been posted in the crew cabs.
Set M22 will commence its trial of the Waratah OEP as per STN 1330-2021 from Tuesday, 6th of July on run 53 ex Blacktown.
Members are requested to complete the survey as feedback is pivotal in enabling us to review improvements and will form part of the justification to continue fitment of the Waratah OEP across the Millennium fleet.

Members can contact their local delegates, Head office or local HSR’s if more information is needed, or if the experience any issues along the way. We think this is a good thing for the health and safety of the members.
Congratulations to the delegates and HSRs who have worked tirelessly to make this improvement happen.