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To Sydney & NSW Trains, from the Locomotive Division

Thanks to all the members who have emailed regarding the Sydney/NSW Trains Management EA and proposed vote and expressing your thoughts in writing regarding the current climate (which is not very worker-friendly) not only us but all workers find themselves in.


Rest assured that the union has considered – and will continue to consider – all of our available options regarding the taking of protected industrial action, both during and after the ballot period. Obviously, the outcome of the ballot will affect/determine our ability to take industrial action (depending on whether or not the EA is voted up or down).


Obviously, any strategy discussions that we have had about the taking of further industrial action (if any) cannot be put onto social media, as it is not smart to possibly tip our hand to either Sydney/NSW Trains or the NSW Government in terms of strategy.


It must also be remembered that the Rail Entities also have rights that they can seek to take against their workforce within and after the suspension period.


Members are advised that the negotiating committee (the core group of delegates who have negotiated the EAs since July last year) are meeting on Friday to determine what happens next, and a bulletin/circular will be distributed after that in terms of next steps.


Members can be assured that we have and will continue to develop and have a strategy ready as required for the various situations we collectively may find ourselves facing.


Members are also reminded of the importance of casting your secret vote as the EA’s will be voted up or down on a 50% + 1 majority of those covered by the EA/s who vote, unlike the vote conducted to take industrial action which required a 50% + 1 majority off all eligible members from each Union who applied for protected industrial action.

