RTBU Member – Aurizon EA Negotiation Update No 6: Meetings 8 & 9

Sep 2, 2021Aurizon Update


The RTBU Locomotive Division negotiating team met with Aurizon for EA bargaining meetings 8 and 9 on Wednesday 1 and Thursday 2 September. 

Discussions focused on the proposed “Roster E” and the proposed “Roster E – versions 1, 2 and 3”. For Antiene & Quirindi Depots, the options are Roster E or the Current Roster. For Mayfield Depot, the options are three different versions of Roster E or the current Roster. 

Roster E – Version 3 has a couple issues in being EA compliant. These are: 

  • 152 Hour duty cycle only on implementation of Roster E. 
  • Weekends across the whole proposed roster are 44%. 
  • Weekends Off are 50% for the first portion of the roster from line 1 to 16. (2 on & 2 off) 
  • Weekends Off are around 25% for lines 17 to 20 (1 off in 4) 
  • Weekends Off are 50% for lines 21 to 36. (2 on & 2 off) 
  • Weekends Off are around 25% for lines 37 to 40 (1 off in 4) 
  • Weekends Off are 50% for lines 41 to 44. (2 on & 2 off) 
  • Weekends Off are around 25% for lines 45 to 48 (1 off in 4) 
  • The proposed Roster E version 3 provides a block of 5 RDO’s where 25% Weekends Off apply 

 Your Locomotive Division negotiating team has requested a survey be conducted for members to provide their opinion on Roster E and the different versions prior to identifying whether changes to clauses are supported to facilitate changed roster arrangements in the proposed Enterprise Agreement. 

The survey will be circulated by Aurizon shortly so please take the time to complete and provide your opinion on the proposed options. 

If you have any questions or clarifications, please ring your local Representative. 


Discussions commenced around these clauses today and further discussions will be held at the next Meeting. 

Our next Enterprise Agreement negotiations are planned to take place on 8 and 9 September 2021. 

Members will continue to be advised as negotiations progress. If you have any questions, please contact your local rep or your Locomotive Division Organiser via mobile or email. 

Click here to download the full bulletin.

