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Railtrain: breach of good-faith bargaining

Jun 8, 2018Railtrain Update

Railtrain has decided to cease negotiations on the current Enterprise Agreement (which commenced early last year) AND to change the scope of the Agreement with its new “East Coast Operations”.

The RTBU has written to Railtrain outlining our concerns about the
breach of good-faith bargaining and changing the scope this late
in proceedings.

We have asked Railtrain to respond by COB on Friday 8 June.

You can be assured that the RTBU will continue to seek re-commencement of your Enterprise Agreement, so you can get the pay and conditions that you deserve.

If RTBU Members have any questions or queries please don’t hesitate
in contacting National Organisers Leanne Holmes (0405 231 016),
Kenny Aldridge (0487 095 050) or Assistant National Secretary
Locomotive Division Keith McMahon (0411 430 900).

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