Railtrain Newsflash: Port Services Agreement Voted Down for the Second Time
All Railtrain Members should stand proud in knowing that their fellow workers assigned to 1Rail in the Hunter Valley have unanimously voted down Railtrain’s proposed Hunter Port Services Enterprise Agreement. This is the second time Railtrain have tried to get this outrageous proposal that offers wages well below industry standards voted up.
After the Vote Railtrain Management wrote to the RTBU and stated: “RTS is now engaging with the Roll By Observers to ascertain their issues/concerns that lead to the No vote (see attached declaration). This engagement will take place over the next 2 weeks. At the end of the information gathering phase, RTS will then consider the appropriate next step”
The RTBU Locomotive Division has again written to Railtrain Management and reiterated the position that we are negotiating for one statewide agreement and not one confined to 3 or 4 employees. Railtrain are yet to respond.
In the interim we again urge all employees in the Port Services division that if they are contacted by Railtrain management, they should direct them to speak with their Union – the RTBU Locomotive Division being their Bargaining Agent. Additionally it is more important than ever that all Railtrain Employees get on board and sign the Majority Support Determination Petition. You can do this by following the link to the Newsflash here or using the QR code below. Again the Petition is completely confidential.
Sign the petition now

We need as many Railtrain employees as possible to sign the petition.
Soon we will initiate legal action through the Fair Work Commission to force Railtrain to the table to negotiate for all its employees.
One single collective EA with protections for workers including decent wages and conditions can only be achieved through a strong collective approach as part of YOUR Union. We urge everyone to sign the petition and check with your fellow workmates if they have. We also encourage you to pass this newsletter on to every Railtrain worker you know including any new trainees. Lastly any correspondence you receive no matter how insignificant it may seem, please pass it on to our office.
Members will be updated once we receive a response from Railtrain and or once any Legal Action is commenced.
Download a copy of the Newsflash and also access the QR code here.